Hmm he didn’t even stir,Alzerion thought.Instead, Alzerion noticed the light reflect off the man’s clothes, revealing that he appeared to be covered in dirt, and his face was a bit rough looking. Still, that was not quite as interesting as the ring on his thumb.
It was handsomely crafted of silver with an ornate pattern across the surface. There was a U insignia with what appeared to be a snake etched over the length of the U, and the snake’s eyes were crafted of sapphire diamonds. As if nothing could have been more interesting, Alzerion found something else that caught his attention. He noticed the little bundle tucked away in the man’s arms. Alzerion could feel the gentle pulse in his neck speed up, ever so slightly. His gaze was fixed on that bundle. He felt like Ulbrick was taunting him, somehow.
Despite every fiber of his being, screaming, that it was a horrible idea; Alzerion inched toward Ulbrick. Alzerion got within arm’s reach and prodded at the bundle. Alzerion shot a quick glance at Ulbrick only to see this confident, cocky, and obnoxious smirk. It made Alzerion’s blood boil. He knew that it would be unwise to confront him, physically.
Alzerion felt a tingling sensation creep down his spine.
“What’s the matter?” asked Ulbrick. “Doesn’t this look familiar to you?” He crooned while moving his right arm under the bottom of the parcel.
Then Alzerion smoothed his hand over the bundle and felt the softest, smoothest fabric. Like some sort of silk, which would only have been afforded by someone of means. He started to grow pale. As if his brain and eyes were finally catching up to each other. He took a few steps back as he scanned the entirety of the scene before him. Alzerion could see that the wad did not look like a package, but rather a baby wrapped up. The smooth silks he felt were light pink. He squinted his eyes and could detect roses embroidered around the edges. Alzerion firmly pressed his hand to the bark of the nearest tree. He did so to ground his thoughts.It was Aironell. She had been lying there in Ulbrick’s arms this whole time.He shook his head to focus his attention on what he should do.
He continued to look at Aironell beneath the wrapped silks and sensed something was not right.Is she asleep? Has she been poisoned?He realized that she hadn’t moved or even made the slightest coo. Then he saw her face as Ulbrick must have adjusted a small part of the fabric.He put her in some kind of a trance to keep her quiet,Alzerion realized, feeling anger start to rise within. He felt like a barrage of heated bubbles rising up that would overflow at any moment.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Alzerion said between gritted teeth.
“I’m just doing what should have been done long ago. I’m tying up some loose ends and getting rid of some trash.” He spoke with that same hoarse, raspy voice. The only difference was that he detected a hint of glee behind his words.
“You mean you’re kidnapping?” Alzerion asked, still a little taken aback. “You can’t do this. The princess is the future of Bachusa.”
“Oh, just think of this as a favor I’m doing for you.” Each word came out with a hint of charm. He saw through that. Plastered across his lips was a sneer. That was the true man, just as he remembered him.
“How is kidnapping the princess doing me a favor? I don’t gain anything from this. I care about the child, and it is my duty to keep her safe and—”
“That’s precisely the reason why it would be a favor. You would be able to do what other children your age can. If not for me doing this, you’d be cooped up in the palace tending to the princess’s every whim, and just wait until she gets older. When she can walk, talk, and think for herself, you’ll hate your job. Suddenly, you won’t feel so proud about it then when you have to cater to a spoiled brat.”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about,” Alzerion frowned. “She’ll never be so terrible. Give her to me now.”
“Alzerion… you shouldn’t be ordering me to do anything. You should know better. I thought you would understand what I’m trying to accomplish here. Let’s be civil.”
“I can’t let you do whatever you want. I always do my job,” Alzerion said with his chest puffed out.
“Alzerion, don’t test me. Stay out of my way or I’ll have to make you.”
“I’m not going anywhere until you give Aironell to me, Ulbrick!” Alzerion planted his feet firmly, in a wide stance.
“Well now,” Ulbrick chuckled. “I guess you’ll force me to use Aironell to my advantage.” Ulbrick’s foot began to tap. Alzerion noticed it had an almost rhythmic beat to it.Oh, have I annoyed him? Maybe I’m doing just enough to keep the princess free from harm.
“If you don’t move, Alzerion, I’ll hurt the Princess. Granted my plan calls for her to remain alive, for the time being, until I get what I want. However, I guess I’ll just have to improvise and use plan B.”
Alzerion probed Ulbrick with his gaze. He did not see an ounce of defeat or backing down. He knew that Ulbrick meant what he said, and he had to deter him, somehow.
“If that’s what you think. You have lost it. I’ll never let you hurt her!”
“Well, if you help me then the Princess would be fine.” Then Ulbrick adjusted his grip on the princess and took a few steps closer to Alzerion. “Alzerion, truly I don’t need her, not yet.”
He was unsure what Ulbrick’s game was. His eyes darted to Ulbrick who moved toward him. Alzerion backed up a bit, placing him closer to the Blue Prince Holly bush.
“Then why are you kidnapping her? She is a little girl. They all have put up with so much.” Alzerion pointed up at the palace. “If you don’t want her then what is the purpose for all this?” Alzerion glanced around as if maybe the broadleaves of the bushes could evoke some answers.
“I have my reasons. For now, you need to move. If you don’t I will have to hurt Aironell and I’ll make you help me with my plans.”
“I’m not going to give in that easy.” He said with legs locked firmly and fists at the ready. “I don’t want to fight, but I will do what it takes to keep Aironell safe.”
Ulbrick was up to something. He hated the thought of helping him, but he also knew that he couldn’t let Ulbrick take Aironell, either. He wouldn’t be able to forgive himself nor would the King and Queen. So, he just looked into Ulbrick’s maroon eyes with more determination than ever as he stood his ground.
“Fine,” said Ulbrick with what looked like a faint hint of playful glee in his eyes.
He plastered that annoying sneer across his face. It reminded Alzerion of someone who thought they won. Alzerion took a breath and ran his hands through his hair. A few moments later he noticed Ulbrick hold up his hand with the ring, and they locked eyes. Ulbrick pushed the sapphire diamond on his ring, and in an instant, Alzerion was bound. He couldn’t move a muscle from head to toe. It had all happened so fast, and Alzerion hoped he made the right decision by standing up to Ulbrick.