He nodded. In one swift motion he grasped her hands and pressed them against his cheek, then continued. “I’m not sure. Just know that you are not alone. I will do whatever it takes— whatever you need, I’m here.”
Aironell let a faint smile creep across her lips. “Thanks. That does mean more than you know.”
“One last thing. Your parents will also do all in their power for you. I think you should speak with them about these concerns. Don’t let them brush you off.” Aironell soaked in every last word, like a flower soaking in water. She nodded. “Aironell, they may have things to tell you that could help.”
“What do you mean?”
Alzerion cleared his throat and again spoke in hushed tones. “I can’t remember it, exactly, but I remember a friend of your mother’s, long ago coming to the palace. She is a seer of some sort. All I remember is that after her visit your parents didn’t worry as much. They told me that my job of watching out for you was very important. That you were Bachusa’s brightest hope.” He let go of her hand and let it fall. Then looked away.
Aironell had a thousand questions. She knew that she would, indeed, speak with her parents. Alzerion didn’t know more or wasn’t going to say more.
“Shall we continue?” Aironell nodded.
They maintained an even pace. She tried to think about the town, anything to focus on something else. She must have been deep in her thoughts because it was only when Alzerion called her name, that she realized they arrived.
She strolled a few paces ahead and slowly turned as she stuck her nose into the air.Ahh. The smells of cinnamon mixed, sweetly, with freshly baked bread and apples. She felt like she was being wrapped in a cocoon of wonder. Her eyes widened at the sights before her. She felt like a little kid, exploring a hidden gem.
She turned to Alzerion, beaming. “Can we go look at the stalls?” He smirked and nodded. She practically bolted. She saw him over her shoulder keeping pace, behind her.
So many people busied about. She heard the clanging of the men smacking the mallets against pieces of metal. Little children running about as they played games. It resembled hopscotch and while others, tag. Aironell spun around as she took in the many buildings. Her feet stumbled as she twirled. Alzerion wasn’t quick enough to catch her arm before she stumbled right into the woman at the meat stall. The woman dropped the small parcel. Aironell gulped as the woman flattened her crème-colored apron and whirled around. A spiral of braids the color of auburn whacked her hand as Aironell reached to pick up the parcel.
“Watch what you’re—” The woman’s shadowed eyes blinked, twice, as she picked up the parcel from Aironell. Her cheeks went flush and then she curtsied, low. “I’m so sorry your highness.” The woman held onto that parcel as she kept her gaze low to the ground.
Some of the chatter died down. Aironell saw people bow their heads and merely watched. Unsure what to do, Aironell scanned the crowd for Alzerion. He nodded. What did that mean? Well, he was no help.
“No need to apologize.” Aironell’s voice spoke with this confidence and softness. “Please let me help you.” She reached her hand out.
The woman rose, slowly. “Help, me?”
“Did I ruin that parcel?”
“No-No I could have watched where I was going.”
“Please don’t apologize.” Aironell soothed. “I bumped into you. I was just, well, in awe of town square.” Aironell looked around. Those that stayed to watch looked pleased. Some nodded while others mouthed affirmations.
“If you’re sure, your highness. Then thank you, but the parcel is fine. Just a bit dusty on the wrappings.” The woman started to leave but then turned. “Your highness?”
Aironell turned her gaze, “Yes.”
“You’re too kind. It means a lot that you’d take time to speak to someone, like me. Not at all what I expected.” A thin smile crossed her lips and she disappeared in the sea of people.
Aironell scratched at her cheek.What was that? The onlookers went back to doing their tasks. Some even stopped to bow. Alzerion moved toward her and held out his arm. Her hand grasped his forearm. He carefully moved her hand, so as to wrap her arm around his. He escorted her through the throng of people.
“Well done,” he murmured as they strolled through the crowd.
“Alzerion, what was that about?”
“Not here.” Aironell watched as Alzerion looked from side-to-side. His gaze eased up, a bit, but barely. “I love coming to town.”
“It is quite pretty and very busy.”
“That’s true. I find speaking with the people to be eye opening, don’t you think?”
Aironell’s brow furrowed. Alzerion’s face was expressionless. She sensed there was more to his statement— some underlying meaning— not that he was going to say. “Alzerion, where are we going?”
Again, he was laser-focused. “You’ll see.”
Wherever he was taking her was out of the main town square hub. She saw the last of the markets and the stalls of trinkets of things to buy. He led her on to where the road shifted into grass. They were walking in more of a field, no, maybe a meadow of sorts. Each blade of grass looked greener than the last and they were cut in perfect harmony. She didn’t see or hear anyone.