Page 62 of Binding Fate

Alzerion’s gaze scrutinized her. She felt like she was about to be scolded. Instead his eyes softened and he laughed. “So, you think you know me well, do you?”

“Hmmm, maybe a little,” she grinned. She managed to wrap the blanket around her body, like a cloak. She attempted to get out of bed but wobbled. Alzerion held out his hand and she grasped it. She clasped, firmly, to keep her body hidden as she scanned his face.

Alzerion placed a hand on her shoulder. “Honestly, I’ll be in town today. I was hoping to see you there.”

“You mean you want to spend time with me?” She tilted her head. She was just so, immersed in him and his next words.

“Well, yes. I, um, enjoy talking to you.” Aironell breathed in and grinned from ear to ear. She couldn’t believe it.Maybe this was his way of taking her out, after all.

She was now only half aware of her surroundings when Alzerion strode toward the door. Between thoughts of his dreamy demeanor, she heard his voice. As he turned to face her. His voice was deep but made her think of melted cinnamon butter. Smooth and delicious. “Aironell? Aironell? Aironell?”

Oh. He was calling her name. She gazed at him, like she was in a daze, and nodded. Hoping she didn’t seem childish.

“Aironell, why don’t I go so you can get ready.”

“Of course.” She nodded. “That makes the most sense.”

Alzerion shook his head and smirked. He opened her door and left. Aironell squealed as she released her grip on her blanket. It fell to the ground and she immediately ran to her closet. It was filled with many gowns but she pulled out the one she bought the other day, and draped the baby blue gown over the armchair of her vanity. Her mind was buzzing as her fingers grazed the white lace that embroidered the top of the dress.

She bounded back to her bed. She flopped back and took a few deep breaths.Alzerion. How perfect that she would get to spend uninterrupted time with him. Away from her parents. She could not get Alzerion’s face out of her mind. He was so handsome. She bolted up and put on that gorgeous dress. She was posing in front of her tall mirror, and checking her sides. She wanted to look perfect. Her hands glided over the light pink roses that decorated the gown, as she smoothed out any creases. Then she opened a little jewelry box on her vanity and grabbed a silver clip. She looked back at the mirror and placed it in her hair to hold back her curls. She touched her cheeks as she looked side to side and smiled.

“You look beautiful,” said Queen Evalyn from the doorway. Aironell turned to her mother. She was so busy that she didn’t hear her open the door.

“Thank you.” Aironell beamed.

Queen Evalyn strolled over to her. She held her daughter’s hands up as she slowly twirled her around. “You look lovely.” Aironell beamed. “Is there any special occasion that I’m unaware of?”

“Nothing really.” Aironell said as she glided toward the window, leaned against the balcony railing, and gazed out. “I’m going into town.” She felt her mother’s hand pat the top of hers. The queen moved about without a sound. It was a like a special superpower of hers.

“Aironell.” There was a pause. Aironell turned to face her mother. She had that look. Lips in a tight line. Eyes that drooped a bit.

“Mother, did I do something?” She thought surely at sixteen that she was too old to have a moment like this; but she was wrong.

“I don’t want to disappoint you.” Aironell blinked, slowly, and stared at her. “I don’t think you should go into town.” Aironell shook her head and turned away. Face hard as she gazed out at the town.

She could see the bustling from there. People doing what they wanted. She took a breath. “Why can’t I go? I-I-I want to do something more than royal duties and practicing magical spells. Some of which could kill me.” Fists clenched as she held firm to the railing. The ebb and flow of the woody vines poked her palms. They were tough, never yielding, the same could not be said for the maroon-colored leaves as the points crushed beneath her grip.

Queen Evalyn placed a hand on her back and rubbed in slow circles. “I know. Trust me, Aironell, I understand the urge to get out but—”

“But, what?” Aironell pushed her hand away as she turned on her heels. She strode to the other side of her balcony and sat on a marble bench. She focused on the lines that divided each stone of the balcony floor. How each one, though a part of the whole, was still an individual. “I don’t see the problem in getting out and doing something… fun.”

“Sweetheart, please look at me.” Aironell hesitated but did as she was told. The queen stood majestic as always. She looked solemn as she folded her hands. “Aironell, I’m just thinking about your safety.”

Aironell perked up a bit. “Could I go if I have someone with me?”

The queen ambled to the archway between the balcony and Aironell’s room. “If the person is suitable, then yes.” The queen disappeared from view.

Aironell walked, briskly, inside. She saw her mother standing by the little oval mahogany table and chairs. She followed. “Mother, what does suitable mean, exactly?”

The queen sat in the chair and grabbed one of the porcelain teacups. She placed the cup near her mouth and chanted something, under her breath. Then Aironell smelled the tea. It was her mother’s favorite. A pleasant mixture of chamomile and mint. Aironell sat across from her and waited.

After a few sips the queen glanced at her. “I’m not being snobbish. I don’t mean a suitable partner, which wouldn’t be a bad idea when considering marriage. No. I’m talking about someone to protect you.” The queen blew at her tea, stirring it just so. “Maybe you can get someone from the Royal Army?”

Aironell pressed her teeth against her bottom lip as she grasped a loose strand of hair. It was there, calling her— beckoning her fingers to twist the curls around as she cleared her throat. “Well, I was thinking about going with someone that you would approve.”

“Oh?” Queen Evalyn cocked an eyebrow. Aironell picked at the hardened skin around her jeweled finger. “Who did you plan to have escort you?”

Aironell gently pulled at her ear, for a moment, and then clasped her hands together in her lap. “Alzerion.” She blurted. “I thought I would go with him and explore more of the town.”