“Hehe. I see. Well we do have much to discuss.”
“I did tell him that we had things to talk about,” Warren said then swallowed.
Ulbrick snapped his attention on Warren. “This is a delicate matter! You shouldn’t have said anything. You didn’t have authority.” Ulbrick’s voice, though hoarse, boomed. Alzerion saw Warren’s gaze cower and then look down. Almost like a child being scolded.
“I-I-I sorry.” Warren dared to look back at his master. “I didn’t tell him any details.”
Ulbrick’s fist pounded on the table in front of them. “No excuses.”
“Well, what are these plans.” Alzerion asked. “Better yet, will I approve of them?” Ulbrick gave Warren one last menacing glare and then turned to Alzerion.
“How dare you speak that way.” Ulbrick leaned forward and beckoned for Alzerion to come closer. Alzerion moved closer, but did not sit. “Alzerion, I don’t rightly care if you approve of the plans.” Ulbrick hissed.
“You should if you want my help. I think you didn’t tell me because you’re not looking for my partnership but rather just someone to mindlessly do what you say.”
Ulbrick stood. He glanced down at Warren and then over at Alzerion. “So suddenly you both grew a spine or maybe you’re just being too sensitive? How troubling.” Then he chuckled as he moved behind the couch and over to a room with the door closed. Ulbrick waved his hand and the door clicked open. “Come, both of you.” Warren stood up and walked, quickly, as Ulbrick instructed. Alzerion hesitated but then followed.
He knew this was Ulbrick’s planning room. The walls were darker in here with papers everywhere. There were piles on shelves mixed in with books. In the center of the messy room there was a simple battered wooden table. The table was not any different. It was covered will all types of papers. Alzerion walked toward the table and fumbled through pages that had things circled, crossed out, and some papers were crumpled into tight balls.
Alzerion twisted his head to Ulbrick who stood next to him. Ulbrick nodded at Warren who grabbed what looked like a large book. He opened it as he came closer. He set it down on the table and Alzerion saw what looked like an opening in the book. Then he focused his attention on it. It was not a book, Alzerion smirked.
Warren’s hands moved nimbly twisting knobs and turning levers until there was a slight click; and then a little metal lid opened. Warren pulled out a wad of papers that were neatly folded. Ulbrick snapped his fingers and the papers floated up and flew toward Alzerion. He grabbed them and sat down in a rickety chair. Alzerion’s eyes widened as he slowly leafed through the pages. Speechless, for moment, as he mouthed, wow. He flipped again and he felt something pumping within him. He gazed at both Ulbrick and Warren who stood around him.
Ulbrick pointed his finger at the next paragraph. “If we take the rebellion further, we could incite a war. Then we could defeat the Royal Army once and for all.” Alzerion tapped his fingers against the edges of the papers as he read.
“How do you plan on defeating the army?” Alzerion’s tone was a bit sharp. “We don’t have the numbers and the Royal Army is well trained.”
Warren cleared his throat and Alzerion focused on him. Warren’s gaze bounced between papers but not at Alzerion. “Alzerion, if you look at the next paper, it shows that we do have the numbers.” He gulped. “Ulbrick made it my mission to gain followers and support for the rebel cause.” Alzerion couldn’t believe his eyes. One hundred and fifty. Did he read that correct? “I’ve been training the newcomers,” Warren added.
“See?” Ulbrick said smugly. “We have a good chance of winning this. What do you say?”
He shook his head. “No!” He stood up and slammed the papers into the table. He paced without stopping. Then he turned and leaned with hands planted against the table. “How do you expect me to fight the people I owe my life too? The king and queen practically raised me. Plus, I’m one of the best soldiers andItrained the Royal Army.”
“You will do this.” Ulbrick demanded. “You don’t really have a choice.” Ulbrick spoke with his head held high.
“Alzerion,” Warren cleared his throat. “We held off on plans for a while.”
Ulbrick moved within reach of Alzerion and his cold hand patted his shoulder. “Alzerion, I haven’t made any harmful attempts on the king and queen before. I held off long enough and that was out of respect for you.”
Alzerion shrugged him off and took a step back. “You don’t value or respect me! If you did you never would be suggesting a war.”
“Come on, Alzerion.” Warren spoke. “Let’s stay calm.”
“It’s too late.” Alzerion felt this rage within.
“Enough!” Ulbrick snapped. “Alzerion you will do what I ask. You made me a deal many years ago.”
Alzerion’s eyes narrowed almost into slits as his nostrils flared. “I’m not afraid, Ulbrick. There’s nothing that you can do to me, that I couldn’t live with.” He stormed toward the door to leave.
“Oh? So, you no longer care about the princess’ well-being?” Ulbrick’s mouth twisted into a sly smirk.
Alzerion stopped. He spun around so fast. “You really will say anything to keep me from walking out that door.”
“Alzerion, please.” Warren pleaded. “You know what will happen if you don’t help.” Alzerion did not say a word. He looked down at the papers. Uncertain. He knew he did not want to push Ulbrick to the point of no return, but how could he condone what Ulbrick wanted.
After a brief silence, Ulbrick meandered around the table and smirked. “Alzerion I know what this is about.”
“What do you mean?” Alzerion asked. Even Warren had this blank stare.