Page 57 of Binding Fate

“You startled me,” Alzerion smirked.

“Really? Aren’t we a little jumpy today?” mocked Warren.

“You would be too if someone came out of nowhere and laid a hand on you,” he playfully shoved Warren.


“What are you doing here?”

“I was sent to find you, you know, you didn’t show up for our meeting.” Alzerion saw that Warren looked down at Melinda and back at him.

“Oh yes. I’m sorry. I got distracted for a moment. Warren, this is my mother, Melinda. Mom, this is Warren, a friend of mine.”

“Nice to meet you, Melinda,” Warren reached over to shake her hand.

“Same to you, Warren,” she said sweetly.

“Mother, I have to go. I’m late for a meeting.”

“Oh, of course. It was nice to see you, and I look forward to next time.”

Alzerion and Melinda hugged, and she even gave him a kiss on the cheek. Then she said goodbye to Warren and disappeared into the crowd.

“Well, your mother seems nice,” remarked Warren.

“Thank you. I love her and her meddling ways, but where are we headed?” Alzerion wanted to change topics.

“Oh yes, we need to go to Ulbrick’s house.”

Warren and Alzerion strolled through town. Alzerion loved how Bachusa was like a gem below the radiant sunlight. He caught the sun’s rays hitting the light crystalline stone of the buildings. They strolled through Town Square and he saw merchants selling their products. The sights were always pleasant. The pleasant chatter. The children playing and running around. He stopped for a moment and closed his eyes. Ahhh, his favorite part. All the wonderful smells.

“Is everything all right?” Warren faced Alzerion.

“Oh yes, I’m fine. Why?” Alzerion opened his eyes.

“You just seem to be a little distracted.”

“I’m not. I’m just looking around. Don’t you just enjoy being in town? Sometimes I feel like I’m not here enough.”

“Oh?” Warren chuckled, briefly. Alzerion quickly shot him a scrutinizing glare.

“What?” Warren scratched at the back of his neck, just barely making eye contact. Alzerion grabbed Warren and turned him around, slowly. Making certain to catch the sights before them. Then he twirled his hand in front of them, wafting over the smells from the delicious foods cooking and waiting to be purchased.

“Okay, I get the point. Alzerion, I wasn’t making fun of you.” Alzerion stared at him with arms crossed.

“Honest. I wasn’t trying to start something.” Warren patted Alzerion on the back. “The way you see things it’s just, well, I don’t always see our world the way you do.”

Alzerion’s relaxed back at his side as he placed one arm around Warren. They continued to walk leaving the sights of the town behind them. “Warren, I know. I’m not mad but, well, there are other things on my mind.”

“Like what?” Warren chided. Alzerion just gulped. They headed away from the bustling part of town. Heading to Ulbrick’s house.Should he tell Warren? After all these years Warren had been like a friend. Ulbrick, hell, they would never be friends.He sighed.

“You’ve been quiet.” Alzerion no longer heard Warren’s footsteps beside him. Alzerion turned and saw Warren just standing there, palms up. He motioned for Warren to come closer. Warren stood inches away. “Well?”

“Nothing is wrong. Again, my mind is elsewhere.” In the dark narrow alley Warren leaned in, closer. Alzerion could feel his hot breath on his face. Could feel Warren’s dark eyes scrutinizing him. Alzerion opened his mouth and closed it right back up like a spring. Now Warren crossed his arms and waited. Alzerion wrapped his arm around Warren and ushered him on, out of the dark alley and onto the back roads. He was almost there, to Ulbrick's house. Then he stopped. He spun and clasped Warren. One hand on each side of him. He saw that Warren was looking sharply at him.

“You’re my friend, Warren, and I need to tell you something.”

“Well, go on then. I’ve been waiting. I thought if I had to wait any longer I may die of impatience.”