With those words, Isabella snapped her fingers and their luggage appeared before them. Quairken stood up and walked over to the bags, then picked his up. Isabella got up and did the same thing. Then they both looked and waited and watched her. She stayed rigid as stone, refusing to move.
“What if they, um, you know, don’t like me?” Aironell shrugged her shoulders.
“Who?” Isabella raised her eyebrow.
“My parents. What if they don’t like me?” Her voice cracked.
“Aironell,” Isabella gently placed her hand under Aironell’s chin and slid her face upward. Isabella smiled. “They will adore you. Don’t worry. Everything will be fine. Promise. They will see just how wonderful you are.”
Aironell sighed and turned to Quairken. He, too, was nodding.
“Alright, but what about,him?” She spun to look at Isabella. She bit her lip to keep her chin from trembling.
“Darling who are you talking about?” Isabella placed her hand on Aironell’s shoulder, and they locked eyes. Isabella’s gaze was deep and sincere.
Aironell cleared her throat and mustered, “Alzerion.”
Quairken stretched his legs as he ambled to the middle of the room. “What about Alzerion? He will be there, if that’s what you’re asking.”
“I remember that he was nice to me,” Aironell smiled as she twisted her index fingers around her necklace. “He played with me. He said we were friends. I remember that we were inseparable when he was here. The thing is … what if I’m not what he’s expecting? What if I’m not what he was hoping for?” Aironell grazed her nails against the couch.
“What do you mean?” Isabella voice probed.
“What if I disappoint him? If he has such high hopes for me. I mean what if he finds me lacking, in some way? I just don’t want to upset him if I turned out different than expected.”
“I see,” Isabella smiled as she patted Aironell on the shoulder and then moved to Quairken’s side. She glanced up at him.
What could they be thinking, Aironell wondered. It was like they were sharing a silent secret and she wanted to know. Maybe, for now, it was best that she didn’t, besides, she just learned so much at once. She wasn’t sure she could take any more.
“I doubt you could disappoint him,” Quairken reassured.
“Why? I’m the reason you all have turned your life upside down. That includes him.”
“He thinks the world of you,” Isabella blurted. “When you were a baby, he was charged with the task of taking care of you.” Isabella beamed as her hands twisted around each other. “So, early on, he felt this obligation to care for you.”
“I just don’t want to disappoint him or my parents.”
“You won’t,” Quairken nodded.
“However, we should be going,” Isabella motioned.
Both Quairken and Isabella stared at Aironell, waiting.
Aironell stood up and paced the room. She looked all around her, and saw the walls that at one time in her life contained her story. She had grown here. She experienced life here. Aironell shook her head, glanced down at her feet, and wiped a tear from her eye. Then she took a few breaths and strolled toward Isabella and Quairken.
Aironell forced her mouth to curve up. Ready or not things were about to change. All she had to do was embrace it and make the most of this new life. She nodded and picked up her suitcase. Isabella smiled and patted her on the shoulder.
Then the three of them stood in a triangular pattern and Isabella waved her right hand. Suddenly, they were immersed in a puff of red smoke, and Aironell couldn’t see a thing. All that was left was to hope that no matter what, she would be alright.
eanwhile, the king and queen had the maids do an extra special cleanup around the palace. The palace was buzzing with excitement. Alzerion observed with a fixed stare. Glancing around did nothing. None of the maids would stop whisking about long enough to tell him anything. They zoomed left and right all through the Great Hall. This was way more cleaning than they did for their own anniversary.Huh.
His one eyebrow was raised slightly, as he rubbed his hands on his chin. He shook his head and quickly took a sip of his tea. “Your Majesty, are we throwing a party?”
“Oh no, of course not, Alzerion,” Queen Evalyn took a sip of her tea. “Why do you ask?”