Page 30 of Binding Fate

Airon nodded, smiled at Alex and said, “Good night.”

Then she walked up the stairs and into her room.

“She’s adorable,” Alzerion blurted out as he flinched.

“Yes,” agreed Isabella. “Now, how much damage is actually done here?”

“What do you mean?” he asked through gritted teeth.

“Do you have any other deep cuts?” Daniel retorted. “We did our best at cleaning out the wounds we found.”

“No,” Alzerion said frankly. “Just bruises. I’m mostly sore. Can you help me sit up?”

Isabella crouched behind him and gently propped him up with her arms. Daniel grabbed the fluffiest pillow he could find, walked to the other end of the couch, and placed it right up against Alzerion’s back. Then Isabella slowly moved her arms from behind.

“How does that feel?” Her eyes fixed on him.

“Hurts a bit. Here,” he pointed to his side.

“Yeah, you had a rather nasty gash there,” Daniel said. He walked around the table to the other side.

“Why don’t we get you upstairs?” Isabella suggested. “It may be more comfortable. We can add as many pillows as you need. I can add some bandages, as well.”

Alzerion nodded. Isabella and Daniel stood at each side and wrapped their arms around him. They guided him from the couch, past the coffee table, to the stairs, and up to the guest room, which was at the top of the stairs.



t must have been a dream, a terrible nightmare. At least, that was what Alzerion thought. Then he felt a shiver and woke with a start. He did not recollect where he was at first. He noticed his clothes were different, and he pushed the blankets away from his chest and sat up.

Underneath his flannel shirt, he could feel the bandages around his chest, and he unbuttoned it to have a look. It was painful to sit up, but he knew he had to get better.

He heard what sounded like the creaking of wood so he glanced up at the door. Unsure as to what was going on, he closed his eyes and focused his mind. He saw the door in his mind and an image of Airon materialized.

First, he smiled, put the covers back on, and then said, “You can come in, Airon. It’s not polite to linger.”

She pushed the door open and he saw her. Airon stood still for a moment, bit her lip and frowned. She peered at him.

He propped his back against the pillows behind him and glanced at her outfit. It was a knee-length light gray dress with black leggings and cardigan; then he smiled.She looks presentable,he thought, watching her with curiosity.

“What?” he asked. “Did I do something?”

She opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out so she shook her head, slightly.

Alzerion held out a hand toward her. She went to grab it with a shaky hand, but instead just gazed at his hand.

“Airon, take my hand.”

“I-I—” she stammered.

“You can do it,” he smiled wistfully.

He held his hands palm up, this time, and she grabbed hold of him. He gently urged her closer, and with his other hand, patted at the bottom of the bed. Airon let go and climbed into the bed and sat near his feet.

A few moments of silence passed, and Alzerion took the chance to think about what to say. He had some questions but didn’t want to overwhelm her. Not yet.

Instead he said, “I get the feeling you have something on your mind.”