Page 29 of Binding Fate

“Airon, honey,” said Daniel. “It looks like we are about done here and itisgetting late. Why don’t you head up to bed?”

“I don’t want to go, daddy. What if you need my help, again?”

“I know you want to help, but we are done. Your mother and I just have to get him to the spare bedroom and change him into clean clothes.”

“Her eyes shifted back down to Alex and with one last smile she stood up and said, “Sure, Daddy.”

He walked with her to the stairs, gave her a hug and kiss, then she headed up the stairs.

Once he knew she was out of earshot, he walked back to Isabella, knelt down beside her and said, “Hun you seem to be taking this really hard. Are you alright?”

She could hold it all back no longer. She flung her arms around him and just sobbed. Daniel patted her back while they hugged.

“It’ll be alright,” he reassured, “Alzerion is such a strong person.”

Finally, Daniel parted from her and sat. He waited for her. Isabella was taking some deep breaths and replied, “I just couldn’t help but think about how happier things used to be. How could this have happened to him, Daniel? What do you think happened to him?”

“I’m not sure,” he answered. “Things must be worse than we realized.

“Daniel, I just wish we knew what was going on in Bachusa.”

Daniel put his arm around his wife and squeezed. “There, there. I know. I wish we did too, but this is not our fault. Let’s just do the best we can and make sure we keep him alive.”

“I think we should contact the king and queen,” replied Isabella, sniffling.

“No, the only time we’re supposed to do that is when Airon is older. We can’t risk everything that Alzerion has tried so hard to do.”

Isabella nodded and then looked back at Alzerion. She grazed the back of her hand over his forehead and then heard a groan.

Alzerion slowly opened his eyes.

“Alzerion, you’re awake!” exclaimed Isabella.

“Mother, what happened?” Airon asked as she ran downstairs. “I heard you scream.”

“W-What? Where am I?” asked Alzerion, flustered.

Airon walked toward him, head bowed, as a slow smile parted from her lips.

“You’re alright,” Airon said as she stared at him.

“H-hey,” Alex mustered. “I’ll be just fine.”

“We were so worried about you.” Airon placed her hands on her hips as she looked down at him.

“You’re safe,” assured Daniel.

Airon put her hand to his forehead to see if he was sick, Alzerion touched her tiny hands and forced a smile.

“Why smile when you’re hurt?” asked Airon.

“It’s not too bad,” he winced. “I’m just glad to see you again.”

“I don’t understand.”

Alex narrowed his eyes and then forced a smirk.

“How about we let him get some rest?” Isabella suggested before Alex could say anything. “Airon, why don’t you go back to your room for bed? We will get Alex upstairs to sleep.”