“Don’t you think they have enough to contend with?” pleaded Alzerion.
“Obviously not, and don’t forget that you made a deal with us, so you’re ours,” Ulbrick snapped back.
“Alzerion,” said Warren. “It’s best not to fight this. In the end, when it’s all over, you can be free and will never have to hear from us again.”
“As promising as that sounds, unfortunately I will always have to hear about you.” He had this dry bitterness in his mouth, as he spoke. “Anyway, how can I forget that you forced me to make a deal with you, Ulbrick? It is something that I’ll never forget. However, since I’m here and have no choice but to help, what is your next move?”
“I want the rebellion to spread its seed of chaos and panic, and I need you to take something from the palace.”
“That doesn’t make any sense. How does that tie into anything?”
“I’d like it to look like someone is sneaking in and out of the palace. This way the king and queen would be on edge, and they won’t expect a revolt, when it happens.”
“Alright. What do you want me to take?”
“Take the necklace that Aironell used to wear when she was younger.”
“You’re terrible. Queen Evalyn will lose it if she finds out the Lost Hope was taken!”
“Exactly. I want to make sure nothing goes right for them. That way they will forfeit or even better; make sure that Aironell returns. If she is truly their hope, then they would make certain to bring her back to try to fix things.”
“Fine! I’ll do it tonight.” Alzerion felt his blood start to freeze. He had this coldness that crept over him. He quickly looked around, but no windows were open.It must be them,he decided. He felt his lip curl as he gazed at them, flatly, as Warren moved and sat by Ulbrick. The two continued to chat about more logistics to the plan.
Alzerion swallowed, hard, as he stood and made his way to the door. He took one more glance back at them, and he felt this tightening creep over his body. He felt itchy. He knew he had to get away from them. So Alzerion left and once he was outside the house, he waved his hands and in a puff of red smoke, he disappeared.
* * *
“Well Airon is content watching her show.” Daniel admitted as he strolled into the kitchen.
“Why do you think he left in a rush?” Isabella said while stirring noodles in a medium-sized pot.
Daniel shrugged. “I’m not sure, honey, but he must be busy, which would explain a lot.”
“It’s just … odd.” Isabella looked up at that moment. She saw her husband was sitting at the small kitchen table, folding the napkins into flowers. They looked like the lotus flowers that could be found floating on the pond, back at the palace garden.
“Isabella, what do you mean, that explains a lot?”
She saw him continue to fold. “Well, other than the king and queen, Alzerion loved Aironell the most. I’m surprised he didn’t stay and talk with her just a bit longer.”
“I see what you mean. Do you think that Alzerion has just as much on his plate as the king and queen?”
“He must,” she replied as she strained the noodles and placed them in a bowl on the table next to the tomato and garlic butter sauce.
“Mom! Dad!” came Airon’s voice from the living room.
Isabella quickly grabbed a towel to dry her hands and then walked to the door. She cracked it open, to see Airon. “Yes, sweet pea? What can we do for you?”
“Who’s coming?”
“Honey, what do you mean?” Isabella saw Airon look around. Her gaze was focused on something, but she didn’t know what. “Airon, what do you mean?”
Airon paused, momentarily. “I feel it, Mother. Somebody is coming. You usually tell me that I should trust my instincts.”
At this moment Daniel strode in. Isabella tilted her head toward Airon, and Daniel nodded.
“You shouldalwaystrust them, dear, but I’m not sure who is coming,” Daniel patted her back.
Isabella smiled a bit as she knew that Airon was finally starting to hone in on her magical abilities. Then, after a brief moment, there came a knock on the front door.