King Francisco snapped his fingers and motioned his hand out toward the small brass bell positioned in the opposite corner. The bell rang out. Then silence. He leaned toward his wife and whispered in her ear.
She nodded. “I couldn’t agree more.”
Soon there was commotion and shuffling of feet against the floor as the door creaked open. Any servant living in the palace was there.
King Francisco stood and looked out. “We have an important announcement.” His voice was firm as he kept scanning the crowd before them. “I’m sure you have heard about the most recent kidnapping of the princess.”
There were low murmurings among the group as they looked to each other.
“We vowed to protect her. We made a decision.” His eyes lingered on Isabella and Quairken, for a moment. His mouth flattened. He scoured for the right words.
“How can we help?” Isabella bowed.
“I’m sure we could always increase guards around the princess.” Quairken stood, solid next to Isabella. Other servants chattered suggestions.
The king spoke deeper. Silence crept across the Great Hall. “You are all so kind.” He pressed his hand against his heart. He inched closer to the queen, who was cradling Aironell. His gaze focused on his little girl. “We are sending Aironell away.”
King Francisco moved behind his wife and peered out. So many voices. Worry. Confusion. The only certainty was that he had to clarify. “No details will be given about where she will be going. Just know that she will be safe. far from Bachusa. Freedom. No burdens or pressures from those who plot against us. She will survive.”
The voices from the servants rose. King Francisco gripped the queen’s shoulder as he stared out.
“When will she return?” Quairken stepped forward. He clung to Isabella’s hand.
“Not until she’s of age,” said the queen.
Quairken went to speak, but this time no words came out. Instead he shook his head and looked down. Isabella rubbed his back as she pulled him closer.
“We wanted you all to know. You may go about your duties.” King Francisco watched as they exchanged glances and spoke. He clambered past his wife and a few servants until he placed a hand on Isabella and Quairken. “Wait.”
They turned around. King Francisco watched as the rest of the servants left. He motioned toward the queen. He heard her dress ruffle as she approached.
“We didn’t mean any disrespect, your majesties,” Isabella spoke softly.
“Nonsense,” Queen Evalyn smiled. “You both are not in any trouble.”
Quairken’s head tilted as he glanced from the queen to the king.
The king smiled at them. “We have chosen the two of you to go with Princess Aironell.”
“Us?” Isabella’s voice wobbled.
“You both possess great loyalty,” King Francisco said. Queen Evalyn took a quick breath. “We believe that you both will love and nurture her as we would have.”
“Of course, your majesties,” Quairken nodded.
“We will cherish her.” Isabella added as she placed her hands on her cheeks.
King Francisco patted the queen on the back. She kissed Aironell on her cheek as she stepped toward Isabella, placing Aironell in her arms. “Take care of our little girl.” Her ones were soft but stern. There was no missing her meaning.
“Of course,” Quairken replied. He gazed down at Aironell cradled in Isabella’s arms.
Alzerion stepped out for some fresh air. The crisp air washed over him. He needed it. A reprieve from the commotion. The palace had been total chaos. Servants prepping. The king busied himself with the finer details of finding Aironell’s safe haven. Townspeople asking questions like; why he hadn’t been in town or where has the princess been. He ran his hands through his hair.It would pay off. At least that was what he told himself.
Today was going to be tough. He closed his eyes. Letting in the silence- the calm- as another breeze wiped at his face. Alzerion breathed in and out. He opened his determined eyes and headed back in. An instant rush of emotions was everywhere. Plastered on the servants’ faces. Hanging in the air. He picked up his pace as he entered the Great Hall.
He noticed the king and queen were already on their thrones, and Aironell sat on Queen Evalyn’s lap. He walked over to his seat to the right of the king and sat down. The queen had a somber expression. He felt it. It cut deep into his heart. Silence passed until the doors flung open. Isabella and Quairken bowed and then came closer.