Page 17 of Binding Fate

The king’s nostrils flared as he gently rubbed his hand against her cheek. He leaned closer and pressed his forehead to hers. “Dearest, we must do what it takes to keep her safe.”

Queen Evalyn shook her head. Breaking her connection with the king. She stood up and grabbed Aironell. Rocking her slowly, as she pressed her close. King Francisco opened his mouth, but it closed just as quick. Instead he darted his gaze back to Alzerion. “Explain, please.” His voice was low.

Alzerion shifted glances between the queen and the king. “A safe haven. Somewhere not in this realm. The Other Realm, perhaps.”

Silence. Queen Evalyn paced around as she lightly bounced the princess. The king, however, didn’t break his gaze so Alzerion continued. “Think about it, your majesty.” He took slight steps as he laid it out for them. “Aironell would stay away until she’s sixteen. She can’t take the throne until she’s of age. Her safety here has already been rocky, at best.” He swallowed.

“Francisco, you cannot possibly be entertaining this?” She shot him a glare as she continued to hold Aironell close. “She’s our daughter.”

“Exactly,” the king snapped back. King Francisco stood practically flinging himself away from the throne. His eyebrows furrowed. “Evalyn, I know that. I know of all our hopes. Our dreams for her,” His voice cracked. He cleared his throat as he strode over toward the queen.

“Then how can you think Alzerion’s proposal a good one?” The queen’s eyes teared up- lips trembled- as she kissed Aironell on the head.

Alzerion gulped. This was a sight. In his years here, they never fought. Not really. Not like he remembered from his own parents. He jabbed his thumbnail into his index finger.Please, please let them understand. Let them get through this difficult part.

“If you love her, you won’t do this.”

The king looked like he had been stabbed, right in the gut. His face reddened. “How dare you think I don’t love her. If I could love her into safety, I would.” He paced back and forth and then faced the queen. “But we can’t, Evalyn. Knowing that makes me, ugh.” He backed away from them. “Alzerion’s proposal isn’t great. I admit that. But this is the reality. We can’t keep her safe.” He spun around and faced the queen. Wincing, he continued. “Sending her away. This safe haven. That will protect our daughter. Ouronlychild. Our heir.”

King Francisco rubbed his nose and then turned to Alzerion. He swallowed. Took a breath. “How do we do this? Someone must go with her, I assume.”

Alzerion nodded. His mouth was taut as he glanced at the queen, still clutching Aironell. Little princess, smiling away at her mother. He felt a twinge in his chest. He pushed up his sleeves as he looked back at the king. “First, we need to have two trustworthy people go with her. Loyal. Caring. They put the Crown above all else.”

King Francisco’s face was firm, unyielding but he nodded. Alzerion continued. “They will act as her parents. Teach her manners and magic.” He paused.

He ran through the checklist in his mind. He hit on all the points.It was for her, that little girl to grow up and rule; one day. Now they had to agree. Queen Evalyn still had a sour expression. King Francisco ambled over to his girls. Alzerion looked down. Giving them a bit of privacy.

It was silent. No boots against the floor. No yelling. Then there was the sound of sniffling. “There, there,” the king’s voice was soft. Calming.

Alzerion glanced up, smiling. King Francisco had his arms wrapped around the queen, rubbing her head. He glanced back down.

“Alzerion.” A voice, after what seemed like hours. He looked up and moved toward the queen. “I don’t like this plan.” There was quiet hesitation. “My heart says no, but if I think logically, then I can see the intentions.”

Alzerion clasped his hands, tight. Nodding as she spoke. A weight lifted within.

The king moved his arms around Aironell, as he pulled her into his chest. “We should get on with it. Aironell will need her things packed.” His watery eyes wavered on the princess.

“Of course. I will ready her things.” He turned and left the room. Once he was in Aironell’s room he waved his hand and some bags cloth bags appeared. He went to work.

Meanwhile the king wrapped his arms back around his wife. Aironell squished between them.

“I’m sorry,” the queen’s voice was uneven. “I didn’t mean to say—”

“It’s forgiven.” He placed a soft peck on her cheek as he bounced with Aironell. He moved, slowly, toward his throne. “It was the grief talking.” She bounded toward him and clutched his hand as she sat on her throne.

“I just want what’s best.” He could see her eyes fighting the pull of tears. He sat down and handed Aironell to her. The queen clung to her. “Momma loves you,” she whispered.

He patted her shoulders. “While Alzerion is packing, we should bring in the servants.”

Her eyes darted at him. “Already?”

“We must. The servants will need to know. Then we can make our choice.”

The queen closed her eyes as she rested her head against Aironell. “I just want to soak up every last moment with her.”

“We will,” he swallowed. “We will feel worse if we don’t give this the consideration it needs.” Aironell grasped at the queen’s fingers as she giggled.

She sighed. “You’re right. Bring them in.”