Page 13 of Binding Fate

“I’m just sitting here,” he replied as he turned to see Warren coming out of one of the bedrooms.

“Really, do you always just stare at children?” he asked with a chuckle.

“I’m watching over her. That is my job. When I’m worried or need to think, I can look at her, and everything else just melts away. There’s a sort of soothing quality about her. She manages to give me new insights. It’s something I can’t really explain.”

“You have no idea how ridiculous you sound,” Warren said with a hearty laugh as he sat down beside Alzerion.

“Anyway, what did you need?”

“Oh, Ulbrick wanted me to see if you were up yet.”

“I see. Does he want to properly threaten me today?” Alzerion spat out. He saw Warren’s smile vanish and it was replaced by a stern look.Maybe I should have been more discreet in my distaste for Ulbrick? I guess I’ll find out.

“It’s not like that. You know what he has planned as of now. All we ask for is your help.”

Alzerion gave him a scrutinizing look, but Warren didn’t flinch. Maybe Warren was just trying to watch out for him, like a big brother.

“Alzerion, we just have to be careful. Ulbrick worries about when Aironell comes of age and she is tasked to marry. When the time comes, we want to know that she will cooperate with us, that’s all.”

That seemed a bit reasonable,he thought. He knew that with his help he might be able to keep the princess safe, but it was a gamble.

“You have no idea just how valuable you actually are,” Warren continued. “I mean, you have a strong relationship with her now. Just imagine how strong that bond will be then. She will do anything you ask.”

“I feel like a dirty rotten snitch, though,” Alzerion said with a downcast gaze at the floor. He spotted the etching of the grooves in the floorboards. “The king and queen have done so much for me, and this is how I repay them? I join forces with a man who wants to bring about the demise of their rule.”

“You make things sound so sinister. They will understand because you’re protecting their daughter. Nobody has to die for Ulbrick’s plans to work. Plus, you might be able to still help them while remaining on Ulbrick’s side. For Ulbrick, the ends justify the means. I had to learn that because I had to do things I knew I couldn’t do. So, I got the job done my way and still managed the outcome he wanted.”

“The ends justify the means, eh?”

“Exactly,” said Warren. “See? I can teach you some things.”

“Yes, but what’s the catch?” he asked with his eyebrows raised a bit.

“Nothing. Except that perhaps we could be friends. When you serve Ulbrick, there’s no time for friends. At least, where I’m concerned, and I don’t always make the time. However, I can see us getting along quite well.”

Alzerion merely stared at Warren, unsure if whether or not he was being serious. Yet he could not detect a glimmer of false sincerity, so he let out a half smirk.

With that, Alzerion said, “Fine, we can be friends. I guess we’ll both need the company, and we’ll already spend our time together.”

They both simply shook hands and talked, for a bit. Alzerion never had something like this. Sure, he would talk to Aironell, but she could not respond to him. Finally, Alzerion thought,Maybe, just maybe I can have a real friend.

* * *

A bit out of breath from trekking through the different parts of Bachusa, Quairken had the army stop to catch their breath. A few of the men propped their back up against the wall of some of the town buildings. It had been a long day. After much searching, Quairken finally had a lead. An elderly man, selling pamphlets thought he saw a boy that fit Alzerion’s description. He did not know where they went but remembered seeing him at some point.

“Men, let’s spread out and search the town.”

“Quairken, we already searched.”

“Is that a groan?” Quairken towered over the soldier who spoke with his thick arms crossed in front of his chest. “Ihon, do you want to return empty-handed and explain to the king why his daughter and our commander-in-training are still missing?” His eyes bore into the teenage soldier.

“No, sir!” He jumped up and straightened his lanky posture.

“I know it has been a long day. I know we searched the town, but a witness swears he saw Alzerion. That means we look again. Understood.”

“Yes, sir.” Just as Quairken was about to send them in groups, he heard shuffling of feet on the cobblestones. He spun around, hand on the sword at his waist. There he was. Alzerion holding the princess. There they were set against the dark backdrop of the night sky, like a model waiting to be sketched. He watched as Alzerion took a few steps closer and Quairken could see the dirt smudges plastered on Alzerion’s face.

“Sir,” I’m glad we found you. We were just about to do another round of searches.”