Alzerion couldn’t help but feel frustrated. Especially tonight. This party was to celebrate their triumph. It just didn’t feel like much of a triumph. He plastered on a smile when someone spoke to him.Ugh, he needed to escape. Alzerion looked around. People were dancing and being merry. He slipped out of the Great Hall and made his way to the balcony.Ah, fresh air.
He took a deep breath and walked to the edge, noticing the red roses glistening under the moon. The mere thought put a tear in his eye, so instead he turned his gaze to the night sky. His eyes were shut as he clutched his necklace.
“Alzerion,” he turned to face Queen Evalyn in the doorway. “What are you doing way out here?”
“I just needed air and a quiet spot to clear my head,” he admitted. He turned back to gazing at the night sky.
“Are you alright?” He heard the clacking of her shoes as she her dress ruffled closer to him.
He shrugged as he looked into her eyes. “No, I’m not doing well. I’m sure you know the feeling.”
"I do.” Queen Evalyn cleared her throat. “But I sense guilt from you.”
He shook his head. “It’s my fault.” Alzerion starred out at the moon.
“How so?” She placed her hand on his back and patted him. “We never blamed you. You tried to keep her safe. This was all her.”
“If she didn’t save me, then she would be alive. It was my job to keep her safe, not the other way around.” His voice was sharp.
“Alzerion, look at me and listen carefully.” He faced the queen. “I love my daughter, but she chose to save you. She loved you. That letter she left you should remind you of that love.”
Alzerion reached into his pocket and pulled out her letter.
Dear Alzerion,
If you are reading this then the battle did not go as planned and I had to create an alternative plan. I know this is rather morose but just in case something does happen to me, I want to be prepared. Alzerion, please promise me two things. First, please promise to look after my parents because I do not know how they will handle this. Life has been unfair to us, but with your love and support, I know they will be alright. Second, please promise to rule over my wonderful kingdom. Bachusa truly has grown on me, and I want it to thrive. I could not think of anyone else who would be right for the challenge than you. My parents won’t have any fight left in them to propel Bachusa where it needs to be, not to mention that they cannot do this forever. We can see how death can come even at an untimely moment. I pray that my passing does not cause you too much pain. Also, you must know that no matter where I am, you will always be in my heart. Always.
P.S: In case I do not get a chance to say it, to admit it to you just once, then here goes. I love you more than you can know. My love for you is constant and shines bright like the moon and the stars, forever and ever.
He dabbed his eyes and turned to Queen Evalyn. “I think she knew that you and the king had already been through so much.”
“You’re probably right. She chose you to rule over her kingdom. To care for her people.” She took a slow breath. “That means something to us.”
Alzerion’s eyebrows pinched in.
“I believe you would have been her choice of husband, had she lived.”
He smirked. That made him feel a little lighter.
“If it is not too much to ask, Alzerion, I was wondering what you two talked about, right before she passed.”
He looked down at the stones and then up at the queen. “She told me she loved me.” He smiled as he tried to relive those last moments. “Then she asked if I trusted her.”
“Alzerion, do you trust her?”
“Of course, but I don’t know what to think now that she’s gone. Why do you ask?”
“I can’t shake this feeling, that there’s more to it.” She strolled to the ledge and peered out. “Something about some of the magic I saw seems familiar, somehow.”
Queen Evalyn wrinkled her nose.
“What are you thinking?” Alzerion stared at her.
“I’m not sure. I’d love to know what she was thinking. I know she is great with magic. Her father and I even gave her our family’s book of spells.”