"We don't have time anyway. All three of these guys will be rousing in a minute. And you are in no shape to fight."
His friend was right. "Fine. Hopefully, Uncle Adam can get a search warrant for the place."
"Ten bucks says they'll ditch the evidence as soon as they rouse. Come on," Zane said.
Jeff had to use what strength he had left to make it to Zane's car. "Got that blanket in the back? I don't want to mess up the seats."
“In fact, I do. I had to throw the old blanket away though. It had too much of Carl's blood on it.” Zane lifted the trunk lid of his car, located the blanket, and tossed it to Jeff.
“I’ll stretch out on the backseat.”
“Good,” Zane said as he climbed into the front seat.
It seemed as if Zane had just turned on the engine when it cut off. A beefy hand shook Jeff’s shoulder. “Wake up, sleepy head.”
Jeff popped open his eyes. “I must have passed out.”
“You’re weak. Come on. Let’s get you up to the loft.”
“Take me home. I don’t want Blair to see me like this,” Jeff said.
“No can do. Daryl knows who you are. It wouldn’t be hard for him to find out where you live and come after you.”
Zane was right. The short nap had helped his wolf begin the healing process, but he needed more time. He eased out of the car and slowly walked toward the back entrance to the warehouse. When he reached the stairs, he stopped. “Not looking forward to this climb.”
Zane chuckled. “You should be thankful Blair’s not here to witness you being a wimp.”
That did it. Grangers weren’t weak. Drawing on his inner strength, he climbed the stairs and then unlocked the door.
“Shower in the guest bedroom and then shift and sleep on the tiled floor so you don’t mess up anything,” Zane said.
“Stop being a nursemaid. This isn’t my first injury. Clean yourself up.” Jeff had taken one step when he turned around. “Shit, I need to call Uncle Adam and send him the photos.”
“I already called him and sent the one photo I have. Give me your phone and I’ll send him yours.”
Jeff was glad at least one of them was clear-thinking. He slipped a hand into his pocket and handed Zane the phone. “Can you pick up Blair? I’m not sure I'm healed enough to drive. We don’t want Daryl to take out his aggression on her.”
“I already called Blair. Your uncle will pick her up and drive her back here. Shower and rest.”
Jeff saluted Zane and headed into the spare bedroom to clean up and rest. More than ever, Jeff was determined to extract justice from Daryl Dragman.
When Zane calledand said they found the man who ran her off the road, Blair was elated. She couldn't believe this mess would finally be over. He then explained that Daryl Dragman and his men had replaced the side panel on his truck. “I was fooled at first since they'd painted it to match the dull color of his truck. Had the light not hit it the right way, we wouldn’t have noticed it had recently been repaired.”
“Maybe he’d been in another accident,” Blair said, though Zane didn’t imply that.
“We found the panel. The sheriff just needs to come and get it—with a subpoena of course. It took me a moment to notice that the front grill looked too new for the truck. I think he had that replaced also.”
"Meaning he was the one who drove through the front gate?" she asked.
"That's my guess."
Then he dropped the bomb—Jeff had been injured in a skirmish with Daryl.
“Oh, no! Will he be okay?”
“His wolf will heal him shortly. I called to give you an update, but also to tell you that the sheriff will be over shortly to drive you back to the loft.”