Page 9 of Meant for Two

“Sweetheart, I don’t recall Blair saying the alarm made noise,” her husband said.

His wife waved a wrinkled hand. “Maybe not, but I thought it would be like it is on TV. They always make noise.” She lifted her chin in defiance.

“Not ours ma’am. We want to give the sheriff time to catch them in the act,” Zane told her.

Her lips pressed together. “Oh.”

Before Jeff could figure out what else to say to the homeowners, the devil herself rushed in. The moment Blair entered the house, Jeff’s inner wolf took notice. His nails started to grow and his teeth sharpened.Shit. If he shifted, the world would learn his kind existed.

Stand down, he commanded his inner wolf.

When hell freezes over.So now his inner wolf responded? That had never happened before. What in the world was happening to him?


Needingto keep his erotic thoughts in check, Jeff forced his mind on the thieves and how angry he was that they’d succeeded in robbing these poor people. That sobering thought helped return his libido to normal—or rather closer to normal.

Jeff stood and faced Blair. Instead of the highly sophisticated dress and high heels she usually wore, she was wearing jeans and a very form-fitting T-shirt. Chances were, she’d heard about the robbery and rushed over. But how? Had Dad called her? His father was out of town for two days, though the ever-efficient Charlene must have contacted him.

She glared at Jeff before going over to the Hensleys. “I am so sorry this happened. Woodlawn Estates shouldn’t have let this happen.”

Now, she’d stepped over the line. Despite the Hensleys messing with the camera, their equipment had performed as expected, and the sheriff’s department had arrived within minutes of the break-in. Finding the criminals would be next to impossible now due to the owner’s tampering.

“Blair, can we speak in private?” Jeff asked. He faced Zane.Stall. Ask them again what was taken.Zane nodded.

Blair seemed fit to be tied, acting as if it was their fault this happened. She walked up to him. “Yes?”

“Let’s chat in the kitchen.” Before he gave her a chance to object, Jeff turned around and moved out of earshot of the homeowners. As much as he wanted to ask her why she told the Hensleys it was okay to cover the cameras, he didn’t want to come off as a jerk. Antagonizing Blair wouldn’t do anyone any good.

Inhaling, he faced her. “Were you aware that the homeowners had decided to cover the cameras?” Jeff tried to keep his tone non-threatening. From the way Blair slightly flinched, he’d failed.

“Yes, but I advised her not to do that. Mrs. Hensley was insistent, claiming if the cameras were on, her dead sister could see and hear her. Is that even possible?”

“Which part? That ghosts exist or that the cameras can still transmit information even when they aren't on?” He was rather confused.

“You explained that the cameras recorded nothing until the system was turned on, but maybe ghosts could use them somehow." She waved a hand. "Forget I even asked. Ghosts don't exist."

He chuckled. “Not that I believe in ghosts, but if they existed, I don’t think they'd need any kind of technology to eavesdrop.”

He swore a smile almost appeared, but she quickly gained her composure. “Regardless, her sister’s ghost is very real to Mrs. Hensley. I merely told them that it was their choice whether to cover the cameras or not. I honestly expected the husband to remove the cloths the next day.” Blair inhaled a deep breath. “Like I said, I warned them against it. I swear I didn’t know they’d do it.”

Oh, boy. Blair sounded sincere. “Let’s hope this will prevent anyone else from wanting to disengage our system—ghosts or no ghosts. I do wonder how she managed to get up on a ladder.”

Blair nodded. “Mrs. Hensley is frail, both physically and mentally. She probably hired someone.”

“That seems likely.”

“Out of curiosity, how long did it take for the sheriff to get here?” she asked.

When she bit down on her lip, his inner wolf urged Jeff to kiss her. That was a ridiculous thought, but it had surfaced. He thankfully managed to muster enough willpower to ignore the urge to do so. “Only a few minutes. Why?”

Her brows furrowed. “You’re saying that someone was able to get past the guard gate, break into the house, search the premises to find the jewels and money, and leave before the sheriff arrived?”

“Yes and no. They never entered through the guard gate.” Probably because they were werewolves, but he wasn’t about to tell a human that. His identity and the identity of the other shifters would be compromised if word got out.

She's only half human, his inner wolf informed him.

I didn't sense that, Jeff shot back. Or were all of the hormones coursing through his body affecting his ability to recognize that?