Page 70 of Meant for Two

“Malia is a werewolf?” That was hard to believe.

“Yes. All of the Granger men and their children are werewolves. It’s why we are special.”

“Ah, so that’s why so many Grangers live in one town.”

He smiled. “Yes. Ready?”


Once in Jeff’s truck, she twisted toward him. “Can you guess what information Malia would have other than what Carl might have told her?” she asked.

“I think it’s best not to speculate. Don’t worry. We’ll handle whatever comes our way.”

This whole werewolf thing completely turned her world upside down. “You and Zane don’t really lift weights, do you?”

He looked over at her. “We used to. Being werewolves, we are already naturally strong.”

“Have you ever fought another wolf? I mean, in your wolf form?”

“Sadly, yes. It’s not something we look forward to, but every male Granger trains for such an occasion. So far, we’ve been lucky. No family member has died.”

“That’s good to know,” she said.

It wasn’t long before they arrived at the sheriff’s department. When they stepped inside, Jeff introduced Blair to the receptionist. “This is Elana, my sister.”

“Oh. I never asked if you had siblings.”

Elana chuckled. “There are seven of us, but Jeff is the most reserved of the group. If he invites you to a family get-together, be prepared to be overwhelmed. We Grangers can be rather loud.”

Blair liked Elana. “Thanks for the warning.”

Jeff placed a hand on her back to lead her to his uncle’s office. That simple touch had her wanting more. If instant lust was a sign of being a werewolf, then she definitely was one. At the moment, Blair wasn’t so sure she wanted to be though.

Jeff knocked and then opened the door. Seeing Malia there helped calm Blair’s nerves. “Hey, Malia.”

“Blair. How’s the wrist?”

“Much better thanks.”

“Have a seat you two,” the sheriff said. He then turned to Malia. “Repeat what you told me to Jeff and Blair.”

“Shouldn’t we wait for Zane?” Blair asked.

“Sure, but he just walked in," the sheriff told her.

They must have used telepathy, or else the sheriff could sense another werewolf. Had Blair not been a little nervous, she would have sensed Zane too.

The door opened, and Zane walked in. He smiled at her and then took the remaining empty seat next to Blair.

“Welcome, Zane,” Malia said. “I was just about to tell Jeff and Blair what I learned. I’m not sure how relevant it is, but it might be.”

“What is it?” Jeff asked.

“There was a couple in their early seventies who came into Midvale Hospital recently. Normally, I wouldn’t have noticed, but I was walking by and heard the man say he was Bill Hensley. His wife, Claire, had an appointment with Dr. Ott.”

“I’m not surprised that someone of their age would need a doctor,” Zane said.

“Agreed, but Dr. Ott treats Alzheimer’s patients,” she told them.