Page 5 of Meant for Two

“Thanks. We think so,” Jeff responded. His tone had a slightly rough edge to it. What was odd was that Blair had been looking at Zane.

Pushing the strange interaction aside, she studied the men. Clad in casual attire, both exuded an undeniable appeal that Blair couldn't deny. Nor could she ignore the effect their well-fitting T-shirts that emphasized their strong physique had on her. Pair that with body-hugging jeans that highlighted their strength, and Blair had to look away or give away her attraction—an attraction she shouldn’t feel.

When she looked up again, the combination of their work boots and slightly tousled hair ignited a spark she hadn't expected.

Oh, what the hell.She’d worked non-stop for the last year to build her business and hadn’t taken much time for herself. But Jeff and Zane? That might be suicide, both to her emotional stability and to her career.

As her gaze lingered on their forms, Blair was intrigued by the effortless allure they exuded. It was as if they had an innate ability to make even the simplest movement radiate sensuality. So why were these men single? Their magnetism alone would attract every woman in Wildwood.

Jeff placed a hand on her shoulder. “You okay, Blair? You looked dazed.”

Heat raced up her face. If she could teleport out of there, she would have. She straightened her shoulders. “I’m fine. I guess I didn’t get enough sleep last night. That’s all.”

That was lame, but these men flustered her something fierce.

“Is there something we can help you with?” Zane asked.

She cleared her throat and focused on the reason for the visit. “I thought if I understood what each of the security pieces you installed in the model home was supposed to do, I might be able to assure a homeowner that the spy equipment was put there for their best interest.”

“Spy equipment?” Jeff asked.

Shit. “I meant surveillance equipment. Sorry.”

Zane seemed to be swallowing a smile, while Jeff looked none too pleased.

“Let me get the schematic and we can explain what everything is for,” Zane said.

For the next hour, both men went over what the equipment was designed to do and why it was needed to be placed where it was. They confirmed what Avery had suggested. The system wasn’t recording anything unless the owners activated the alarm. And yes, she should have known that, but being around these men unnerved her. Why them though? Something she couldn’t put her finger on was happening to her, and she needed to figure it out fast.

“While I understand why you put each piece in the house and even appreciate your attention to detail, the fact remains that people don’t want to feel as if they are being watched, even if the system is off. People forget sometimes.”

Jeff looked over at Zane. Neither said anything, which was a bit disturbing. It was almost as if they could read each other’s minds.

Zane faced her. “Tomorrow, Jeff and I will remove or move anything that is visible. Please warn your clients that on the off chance someone gets past the guardhouse as well as the outside security alarm, we might not have perfect visuals of the perpetrators.”

She smiled. “I will let them know.”

Since the men were clearly busy, Blair left, happy that the three of them had reached a compromise. Now, she had to get the homes sold.


Present Day

When Jeff received the call about a breach at Woodland Estates this morning, he'd jumped out of bed, hastily threw on some clothes, and raced to his truck. The urgency of the situation was palpable as he sped through the dark streets toward his office. This wasn't the first time he'd been called to handle such an issue, but this one was different—the breach had occurred at his father's Development.

As co-owners of the security company, Jeff and Zane were used to taking care of any problem using a well-established protocol. Typically, once the sheriff's department made the initial assessment and had processed the scene, Jeff's staff could step in to help. But this time, it was personal.

To make matters worse, the break-in had occurred in Phase II, specifically at one of the model homes that Blair, the talented designer, had sold. The main problem? For the last few months, Jeff hadn’t been able to get her out of his mind—or out of his thoughts at night for that matter. Jeff had gone so far as to avoid driving by the model home where Blair worked. He didn't need the temptation.

His jaw clenched at the thought of her. He had worked hard to compartmentalize his feelings, but his efforts had failed, and now, with this incident, she would be front and center once more.

Jeff could easily imagine her reaction to the news of a break-in. Blair had a fiery determination and a strong sense of responsibility for the projects she was involved in. A theft in a brand-new development, especially one she had poured her creativity into, would undoubtedly ruffle her feathers.

More than that, Jeff knew that he'd have to soothe her fears and frustrations. After all, he and Zane had designed and installed the state-of-the-art security system in these homes. He could practically hear her voice in his head, demanding answers, venting her frustrations.

He hoped she understood that no security system was designed to catch the thief in the act. It wasn’t as if a break-in would trigger some kind of fancy snare to trap a person or emit some gas that would render the thief unconscious. The best hope was that the authorities would get to the house before the robbers were able to escape.

Jeff sighed as he gripped the steering wheel tighter. He couldn't let his thoughts wander to Blair now; he had to focus on the task at hand.