Crap.“Yes. I spoke with the homeowners already. How did you hear about it?”
“I was having breakfast at Pauline’s, and who should walk in but Elana.”
“Elana Granger?” She was the receptionist at the sheriff’s department.
“Yes. Since she knew I worked at Woodland Estates, she told me what happened.” Avery sucked in an audible breath. “Oh, crap. She won’t get into trouble will she?”
“I don’t know, but I bet Drew won’t be happy if he learns she’s telling people about the theft.” That wasn’t what Blair needed today. She was already on edge after being around Jeff and Zane.
“She only told me. I didn’t see her talking to anyone else.”
That would be awesome if it were true. “When will you get here?” Blair asked.
“I’m on my way.”
“Super. See you soon.”
It wasn’t long before Avery showed up. After Blair brought her up to speed on what she'd found out, her assistant went to work planning the design for the one remaining model home while Blair occupied herself with a few clients. When she finally had a free moment, she worked on her marketing plan for selling these homes.
Avery came into Blair’s makeshift office around one. “Blair, have you even eaten today?”
Blair had to think. “I don’t remember.”
Avery pulled up a chair. “Spill. What is really going on? Is it the theft that has you so upset? You usually don’t miss meals unless you are really stressed.”
“I’m not really sure what my problem is. My emotions seem to be all over the place today. When I’m showing a home, I’m calm and professional, but the moment I’m around Jeff or Zane—or rather when Jeff Granger is around—I turn into an unreasonable witch.”
Avery grinned. “You like him, don’t you? He’s the one, isn't he? Unless you want both, of course.”
“No! Jeff is distant, angry, and way too driven for me.”
“Are you sure? He’s gorgeous, owns his own company, and probably wants to make sure his company is running smoothly before he dates someone as special as you.”
That made her laugh. “I’m hardly special. I might own my own company, but there are demons in my past.”
Avery shrugged. “Fine. Ignore Jeff. What about Zane? I don’t know him that well, but he seems a lot more laid back. As I mentioned, I've heard he plays the field, but that might be because he hasn’t found someone he really wants. Think about it. You’ve worked non-stop for over a year. It wouldn’t hurt to have some fun.”
Avery was probably right. “Once we get a handle on this robbery, I might be able to take some time off, though Jeff clearly isn't interested. As for Zane? I can’t tell. As soon as you come up with the furnishings for the model, you should take a vacation yourself.”
“Ooh, I like the way you think, boss.”
Blair chuckled. “Now that we’ve solved some of life’s problems, we need to get back to work.”
“How about I take a short trip to town and pick us up some sandwiches?”
Blair smiled. “Keep that up, and I might have to promote you?”
“To what? There are only two of us in the company.”
“I’ll think of something, but the food is my treat.” Blair grabbed her purse and handed Avery her credit card. “How about ham and cheese on rye?”
“You got it.”
While she waited for Avery to return, Blair did a little Internet search on the surrounding area. She wanted to see how feasible it was for someone to have walked in and then broken into the Hensley’s home without notice. While she wasn’t great at reading topological maps, between Google Earth and those maps, she was able to pinpoint a few spots where someone with experience could find their way into the complex. But was it worth it for them to do that? The hike looked like it was miles. If they came at night, they’d have to use flashlights or chance injuring themselves. Surely, the light would be caught on camera unless they used infrared lenses on their flashlights.
And why break into the Hensley's home? Was it because the thief or thieves had inside information about the Hensleys being out of town, or was it because the land behind their house had the best access?
As soon as she closed up for the night, Blair was going to find out just how easy it was to reach the Hensleys’ house from the outside.