“Amazing is a good word.” Her eyes started to droop. Zane took the towel from her and tossed it back onto the bathroom counter. He’d have to remind Jeff to buy a laundry basket if they wanted their woman to have the comforts of home.
Back in the room, he slipped on his clothes.
“You’re not going to spend the night?” she asked.
His heart clenched. “I would love to spend the night, but I don’t want to overstay my welcome.”
“You aren’t—or rather you won’t.”
She looked so hopeful. “I need to speak to Jeff.”
Her eyes widened. “He’s still here? Oh my god. I made so much noise. What must he think?”
“That you’re a woman who enjoys being loved!” This was Zane’s chance to find out what she thought about being with both men once she healed. “Seriously though, Jeff will be only thinking of you tonight. And trust me, every thought will be a good one.”
“He likes me?”
Her comment cut him to the core. “Baby, he wants you as much as I do.”
Blair stilled, and he prayed she wasn’t going to say she didn’t feel the same way. “I want him too.”
Zane mentally pumped a fist. “I was going to ask him to join us, but I thought we should discuss it first.”
She nodded. “It’s been quite a while since I’ve slept with anyone. I don’t think I could handle two men, especially if Jeff is even half your size.” She dipped her gaze to his crotch area.
Good thing he wasn’t prone to blushing or he would be right now. Since he and Jeff had shared several women, he could attest to the fact that his best friend didn’t lack in the size department. “I’m sure he won’t disappoint.”
“Then maybe you should go to your friend. I’ll probably sleep a little better if I’m by myself.”
Zane sat back down on the bed. “I’ve been told I snore, so you might be right. Plus, we need you to heal. Fast. Getting a good night’s sleep is a must.”
She grinned. “Thank you.”
“Tomorrow, when you’re ready to go to work, come down to the showroom or the warehouse, and I’ll drive you to work.” He leaned over and kissed her. It was a quick peck, because if he lingered, he’d want to delve into her again.
Zane stood, turned off the bathroom light, and headed out.Shit. Jeff wasn’t in the loft. What did that mean?
“Where are you?”he telepathed. His friend better not have gone back to his apartment.
“Downstairs. I couldn’t handle listening to you two.”
Zane felt like a shit for not letting Jeff know that Blair seemed a bit too delicate to make love to both of them tonight. When Zane went downstairs he wanted to remember to ask Jeff to lock the loft door since he doubted Blair would be leaving the bedroom anytime soon.
Zane found him working away in the warehouse. Most likely Jeff could hear them make love even from down there since werewolves had exceptional hearing.
“Was it good?” Jeff asked while he pretended to be working on one of their devices.
“Don’t be like that. I’ll have you know, she wants you too!”
Jeff spun around. “Blair told you that?”
“Yes. Those were her exact words,” Zane said.
Zane laughed. “I know you’re dying to know how it went, so I’ll tell you. It was out-of-this-world amazing.”
“Is she willing to share?” Jeff sounded so hopeful.