He expertly spins me out of his hold, and the song changes just as we get back to Hannah and Luca.

Hannah holds onto both guys on either side of her to keep dancing with us. All tension is forgotten as Luca tries to keep up with the crowd. His eyes twinkle in the lights, putting his all into the moves.

Gentry spins Hannah around the same as he did with me.

“Fuck this,” Luca says, tired of watching them show off and creates his own moves.

I’m getting lost in the steps and trying not to be distracted by him swirling and thrusting his hips.

“What are you doing?” I laugh at his ridiculousness, but that only brings his focus on me.

He turns and sticks his ass out, grinding it into me as he bends over, and I can’t stop laughing long enough to get him to stop.

“Luca,” I squeal as he digs further into me, making me stumble over my own feet.

The song comes to a stop, giving me the perfect opportunity to get him back. I wind up and give him a hard smack on his ass before he can straighten up.

The whipping crack of my palm against his cheek is loud over the chatter of the band and dancers in front of us. All heads swivel around to see what happened, and we stand there innocently. Biting our mouths shut.

These cowboys come out specifically for this night and take their line dancing seriously. I know that from experience and we’ve been kicked out once before for not doing the same and disturbing them.

I try to head off the dance floor when the new song starts, but Luca wraps his arm around me. Grabbing my ass, he pulls me into him and sways against me to the slow song now playing.

“I’m going to get you for that.” He grins, making an empty promise.

“Are you still sore from last night?” I tease him and trail my fingers up his arm.

Luca groans and presses his hips further into me as he holds me close.

Gentry’s dancing with Hannah at a respectable distance, but Luca has us pulled so tight together our legs are intertwined.

“You drive me crazy, Kandace.” He holds my hand against his chest to feel his heart pumping fast and hard. “You feel it too.” He moves his hand from mine to press it against my rapid heart.

My breath catches in my throat. I want to deny it, but Luca is so sure of it. He’s not giving me any choice to disagree with him. I’d be lying if I said I felt nothing. I just don’t feel it as strongly as he does.

Luca has genuine feelings for me. He thinks he’s in love with me.

It isn’t real. It can’t be. If he really knew me, he wouldn’t feel the same way. No one ever does. But I care for him. I care what happens to him, and I don’t want to hurt him.

Tipping my chin up, he leans forward, but out of the corner of my eye, I catch Hannah hunching over behind him.

“Hannah?” I move away from Luca to get to her.

Gentry steps back with his hands raised as Hannah vomits on the floor.

“I think I drank too much.” She groans as I grab her hair and rub her back.

“I’ll take her outside.” Luca comes and holds Hannah to walk her out.

The bartender is already yelling at us to leave, and she needs the air.

“I’ll grab her coat.” I rush through the crowd to the booth we left our stuff in.

I didn’t think she drank that much, but I have no idea the last time Hannah had any alcohol.

“Kandi?” A familiar voice pulls my attention to a few booths away. A voice I've been avoiding for years, but one I’ll never forget.

Instinctively, I pull down the hem of my dress and throw my coat on to cover the top.