Truth is, I can’t tell him even if I wanted to. I signed a contract about that too. A contract I asked for to keep them from telling the press. I had Bridget look over everything for me. She’s a lawyer in training. I just never told her I signed anything.

I don’t say anything.

“How about the other rumor?” He asks, switching gears.

“About your mom? Yeah, I’d hit that.” I stifle my laugh, trying to hold it together.

He was always better at those jokes.

“If you ever try to joke about that again, I will slap your balls off.” Holt barks into the phone. “I’m not fucking kidding. I hope you haven’t forgotten how that feels. I was holding back.”

Instinctively, I cover my junk up with my hand. Those dick slaps with the blade of his hockey stick hurt like a bitch.

“Sorry,” I mutter.

“I’m talking about Kandi. I had to hear that shit from Nick.”

I let out a loud groan. Of course, Nick Miller, our old captain and Alex’s pseudo brother-in-law, would know everything. Alex has to stop telling his sister shit. I love them all. Alex, his sister Lenny, and her boyfriend, Drexton Hall’s alumnus goalie and captain, Nick. I also love Holt like he’s my brother. But can’t a guy get laid in peace?

“Be careful,” Holt warns me. “I know you have feelings for her, but I don’t think she feels the same.”

“Is that coming from my roommate too?”

“Don’t blame Alex for looking out for you,” he snaps. “We’re fucking brothers, and I know Kandi.”

“There’s something up with her,” I confess to him. “I don’t know what it is, but I know she’s holding back.”

“I don’t know anything about that shit, and I get you really like her. But don’t say I didn’t warn you,” He sighs. “And if you hurt her, don’t think I won’t come after you.”

He’s torn between protecting me, his non-blood related brother, or protecting Kandi, his wife’s best friend.

“I appreciate all the threats. Is that why you called?”

I’m not usually this forward with Holt. He doesn’t like when I talk back to him, but that’s only because he’s like a big brother to me. I’m getting annoyed with everyone thinking they have to look out for me. I’m a fucking man and can take care of myself. I cleaned up my act and I’ve proved that.

“No.” He growls through the phone, but his voice immediately softens. “Hannah is going out with Kandi tonight. Can you keep an eye out for her? I’m not saying to intrude on their girls' night, but I can’t do anything from across the country.”

“You want me to spy on your wife?”

“No. I want you to watch out for her. Make sure no guys try anything while I’m not there.”

Holt has always been protective of Hannah. She’s his wife and the mother of his child. I’d be the same way if I were him. Traveling with the team for a week away from your wife and newborn child is hard. He can’t be here if something happens to her, and that’s killing him. At least she’s staying with her parents for the week. I already heard that much from Kandi.

He tells me exactly where they’ll be, and to me it’s a win-win. I get to watch out for Hannah and Kandi on Holt’s orders.

O’Halloran’s pub is busier than usual on a Saturday night. I got a few guys to come with me, so we wouldn’t look suspicious.

Alex couldn’t be bothered, muttering something about studying. I don’t believe his excuse, but I’m on a mission and let him pass. Gentry jumped at the chance to go after I mentioned Holt had asked me to do this. Finn followed along too.

The three of us pile into the small bar, and it’s hard to miss Kandace as soon as I walk through the door. My eyes glue to her bright red hair spilling down her back, following the line to her plump ass in that short dress she’s wearing. She’s always wearing those tight, ass hugging dresses that look fucking fantastic over her scrumptious hips, and once she turns around, I’ll see those beautiful breasts on display, perfectly lifted and ready to spill out.

Gentry pulls me back from going right up to them. I was in a trance, and she’s the magnet pulling me in.

“Remember, Holt said don’t intrude on their girls’ night.” He spoke to Holt too. “We’re here as bodyguards. Protect, but don’t engage.”

Not just for Holt’s sake, but Kandace would be pissed if I interrupt whatever friend time they’re having.

Finn grabs us a tall table by the bar and Gentry gets us a pitcher to share. I sit with my back to them, watching through the mirror across from me.