She hasn’t joined us in the planning at all. Leaving it all up to me with lame excuses as to why she can’t.
We’ve narrowed it down to three ideas. A gala, a charity ski event, or a charity skate event. The problem with the last two is that none of the students are going to pay to ski or skate when most of them do it for free. The problem with the first one is we need a venue along with items to auction off. It’s harder to get students to an event off campus, and the expenses to pull off a gala are tremendous. The cost has to be worth the gain.
“I’m hungry,” Penny groans after two hours of going around in circles.
“Let’s get food and a change of scenery to help us think,” Renna suggests, and we’re all off to The Ale House. Renna thinks alcohol will also help give us some creativity.
I don’t argue.
Although I know we’re not going to get much done, I need the distraction. Especially since every morning I find myself waking up earlier than necessary to catch a glimpse of the hockey team running by.
Luca found a way to crawl under my skin, and now I can’t get him out. No matter how much incense I burn.
I’ve sworn off men, and even that’s not helping. Lack of sex is giving me lack of sleep and lots of brain fog.
A night at the ale house with some overpriced drinks and greasy food is the perfect way to stop thinking about him, and everything else stressing me out.
But I’m not so lucky.
My luck ran out as soon as this semester started. Or as soon as Luca got into my bed. I’m cursed.
Some witch has cast a spell on me and has cursed me in the worst possible way.
Across the restaurant is half the hockey team, including lucky number 13, Luca “The King” Kingivson.
Karma is a bitch. But what did I do to deserve this?
I’m staring at him and for much longer than I should be. A second long is too long. Luca looks over as if he feels eyes on him, and those eyes are mine.
His bright eyes immediately lock on mine and the heat from them travels all the way down to my toes. Those fucking clear blue-green eyes that make me crumble. They take away any strength I have. Is it the color? Or everything that exudes out from them?
I have just enough strength left to look away before they can do any real damage.
“Let’s get down to business,” I announce, working on our mission to plan this event. Anything to keep me from looking across the restaurant and longing for him.
All three girls groan loudly, rolling their eyes at me. Penny slams her head against the table next to me and pulls at her pink ends.
“We’ll get drinks and order first,” Dani suggests and I’m out numbered.
I need a distraction or a barrier. I could switch seats, but that’s too obvious. And there’s a mirror behind me, putting us in the perfect spot where I can’t get away from him.
I lift my menu to cover my face, but can’t help to glance over it. Now that he saw me, I feel his eyes on me and the urge to look is too strong. His gaze pulls mine from fifty feet away.
Luca’s blonde hair is tucked into a backwards hat. He’s wearing another one of those thermal shirts that form over his chest and tighten around his biceps as he sits with the sleeves rolled up and his forearms resting on the table. My eyes dart right to his arms, imagining them wrapped around me. I miss them.
I can’t help but miss his massive hands clutching my hips and the way his arm felt draped around me while I slept the vodka martinis off.
I hate them. I hate how much I long for the feel of them around me again.
He held me that night.