He’s not wrong. I don’t remember Nick or Holt getting this much shit from the rest of our team. We already had guys make complaints to the coach about us. At least the coach didn’t take kindly to their tattling. He had the talk with us about getting our team to come together. And I felt like shit for snapping at him.

“I’m sorry for snapping at you,” I say, more roughly than I mean to. “But that reminds me, Carter’s brother and the other freshman, Justin, were at the Delta Nu party tonight. I had to kick them out and tell them to get back to their dorm. They were already drunk.”

Everyone knows we don’t get drunk before game day, especially before an early game. We can be lenient before a night game, but those freshmen are going to be playing like shit tomorrow.

“That means they saw you.” Alex perks up. “We can deal with them, but how are we going to explain you being there?”

“They saw me not drinking, and trying to get a wasted Kandi into her room safely.” They were two of the guys I had to threaten and give a mini lecture to about girls and when not to hook up with them. As in the obvious time when they’re too drunk to make any moral decisions.

When did guys get like that? I was never like that.

“We’ll deal with them tomorrow.” I flop back into my bed and feel sleep weighing down on me.

It didn’t matter what really happened. Of course, Carter’s little shithead brother made it seem like I was enjoying myself at the same party after being lectured by me in front of Coach Renan.

We would’ve let it go with just my lecture last night, but they played like shit at practice and Coach demanded an explanation. Since I saw them, it was my responsibility to talk to them again.

It was my turn to get my ass chewed out after they left the office.

Coach Renan is a pretty easy-going guy. He doesn’t take shit from us, but he expects all his players to be responsible enough to handle their own behavior. It’s never a good thing if he has to step in.

“Is it true?” He asks when we’re alone in his office.

“Not entirely,” I explain. “My friend was in bad shape. I was there, but only to make sure nothing happened to her. I wasn’t drinking or having a good time, and they know that. As soon as I saw them, I sent them off to their dorms.”

“Stay on the bench today.” Coach sighs and I sit there nodding, taking in my fate. I’m disappointed, but I get it. I fucked up. “I understand you were trying to do the right thing, but sometimes doing the right thing comes with consequences.” He points his finger in my direction as I stand to leave. “And Luca, I gave you a chance to prove yourself. She best be worth it.”

That’s the second time I’ve heard that. Is Kandace worth it? Is she worth all this shit I’m going through?

Yesterday, I would’ve said absolutely, without a doubt. Now, I’m letting my team down for someone who doesn’t even want to be with me.

I’m doubting if it’s worth the torment she’s already causing. I’m doubting if she’ll ever give me a chance.

We lost the game, and all heads are looking in my direction. We only lost by one point, but if I was playing, maybe those two goals wouldn’t have gotten by.

I can’t even look anyone in the eye. Especially Alex's“I told you so”that’s written all over his face, and a shower won’t help my shitty attitude.

I quickly change and make my escape, running out past the school's press and straight to the gym. No one from the team will be there since we just had a game and Saturdays are normally quiet. It’s the perfect setting to clear my head.

I’m almost there when a car comes up and slows next to me. With a glance, I see Callie’s car with Kandace yelling out the front passenger window to get my attention.

I turn my music down, but don’t stop running.

“Luca! Hey,” she calls out, but I only give a short wave, knowing exactly why they’re trying to track me down.

It’s not something I want to deal with right now. I’m not ready to make this decision.

The car stops ahead of me and Kandace gets out, waiting for me to run up to her. I can’t ignore her. Even if I tried, I’d never be able to turn her away.

My chest heaves when I come to a stop a foot from her. Sprinting the entire way here rather than my normal paced run to push out my demons.

“What is it?” I want her to get right to it. There are weights and a leg press calling my name.

“Are you ok? What happened?” She asks, as if she’s actually concerned. She doesn’t care about me.

“I’m fine. Why do you care?” That came out more bitter than I meant it to, but I hate how fake she’s being with me.

She’s never cared before. Why start now?