I nod, believing him. A small memory pops up of me trying to undress him in my bed, but Luca wouldn’t let me undo his pants. It’s the reason his shirt was off. A compromise of what I was begging for.

“Thank you,” I say again, pushing the words out.

He nods, still looking upset.Shit.Why do I care so much?

My gut twists, seeing him with his head hung, and his shoulders slumped. My arms want to reach out to him, but I’m holding them back. He helped me when I couldn’t take care of myself, and I hate how much I care. And I hate seeing him this upset about it even more. I never get that drunk. Ever. And the reason is that there is never anyone to take care of me.

“I have an early game tomorrow,” he sighs, but I already know that. Me and the girls have tickets. “Lock this door,” he commands while straightening himself up. “There are still some horny frat guys out there.”

“Got it.” I walk to the door to lock it after he leaves.

The closeness gives my left arm the opportunity to act on its own, rubbing his bicep before I could stop it.

“I know you would never take advantage of me or anyone else like that. I’m sorry for sounding like you did. I didn’t realize how bad I was,” I assure him and cover up the tender action of touching him.

Luca has no problem showing off how he feels. He wraps his large hand around my hip and digs his fingers in. Taking me by surprise and leaning down to brush his lips lightly against mine.

I suck in a breath, waiting for the kiss that never comes.

“Goodnight, Kandace.” His hot breath against my mouth sends that tingling zap down to my core.

The thing about a drunken haze is that the memories of what you did slowly creep in with every little reminder. Feeling Luca hold my hip and his light, barely there kiss before he left was a reminder of how we made out against his car, and how eager I was to continue.

I need to stay away from Luca. Not just for myself, but I’m leading him on. His apology sounded like a confession, and I’m beginning to believe he may actually care about me.

If someone told me months ago that Luca had a crush on me, I’d be happy to break his heart. It would serve him right for treating me like shit last year. But now that I know him better, I can’t do it.

It doesn’t feel right anymore.

Chapter 20


I’m late, coming in way past our curfew.

I couldn’t leave Kandace alone with those assholes trying to get into her room. I had to threaten at least five drunk idiots to stay away from her door. A couple tried coming in, only to be met with my face telling them to get lost. At least they had the decency to call her name to see if she responded. God only knows what would’ve happened if I wasn’t there.

I kept trying to get her to give me the code so I could lock it from the outside while also fending off her advances.

Kneeling in front of me and trying to undo my pants was too much to bear. I almost folded when she looked up with pleading eyes, begging me to fuck her mouth. The literal words out of her mouth were,“please fuck me, fuck my mouth.”

I promised her one day I would, and I fully intend to keep that promise.

Alex flips his lamp on as soon as I enter the room, blinding me after I quietly walked through a dark house.

“Curfew was three hours ago,” he whispers through clenched teeth. “You’re an A. You can’t do shit like this.”

I ignore him.

I’ve had a rough night of fighting off drunken horn dogs. Sending freshmen hockey players back to their dorms, because of the curfew coach set last year. I don’t need Alex in my face warning me.

“We have an early Power-Skate tomorrow before the game, and we’re supposed to be setting an example.” Alex isn’t telling me anything I don’t already know. “I hope she’s worth it. I won’t say anything, but if anyone else noticed, he'll bench you. I really hope getting laid by a puck bunny is worth it.”

That hits a nerve. I know Alex is just pissed off and worried I’m going to get benched for tomorrow’s game, but I can’t let that slide. He has no idea where I was or why. He doesn't know Kandace like I do. She’s not just somepuck bunnyI fuck.

“Fuck you, Alex.” I’m louder than him, but I try my best to keep it down so the rest of the house doesn’t hear. “If I get benched, I’ll deal with it. I wasn’t out getting laid and don’t you fucking dare talk about her like that.” I never talk to him like this, but something inside has snapped. “You’re still moping because your girl cheated on you and hasn’t come crawling back yet. Don’t put that shit on me. If I didn’t have to stay, I wouldn’t have. I wouldn’t take the risk of breaking curfew unless it was absolutely necessary. You should know that.”

“Sorry,” Alex mumbles, shaken by my outburst but knowing he crossed a line. “I’m nervous about you breaking the curfew. These guys aren’t as respectful of us as we all were to Holt and Nick. One wrong move and there’s no doubt it’s going to get talked about.”