Her focus pulls to my lips and her tongue mimics my movement, peeking out and licking along the seam. I can’t help but to oblige to her silent request. Taking back the moment that was stolen from us earlier, my lips lightly press to hers, but she pulls me in. Sucking me in for more. Her kiss is hard and demanding. She wants it her way, and she wantsme.

Her body moves up mine and her elbows rest on my shoulders while sliding her fingers through my hair. Releasing my bun and sucking my mouth into hers.

I’m living in this moment. She wants me, not some mystery guy. She saw me. She wants me just as much as I need her.

I can’t give in.

Tonight won’t change anything. Once she sobers up, she’ll still hate me. Her walls will be back up and she’ll do everything she can to avoid me, and not even look at me. She’ll hate me even more for taking advantage of her.

While biting her lip to slow her down, I set her into my passenger seat, taking my time to buckle her in, letting my knuckles skim across her body. She responds with a heady moan as her thighs rub together.

I’m in trouble.

How the hell am I going to walk away from this?

Chapter 19


First thing I notice is my head pounding. A sharp pain sears across my forehead as the blood pumps through it.

Next, is the button on my jeans pinching my stomach.

I hate falling asleep in my clothes, especially jeans. A dress I can handle. A skirt? Sure. Jean pants or jean shorts? Nope. Not to mention the bra that is now twisted with my breasts half in and half out. My strap is cutting straight down the middle of my tit on one side while the other is flying freely off the edge of my bed.

With a groan, I push myself back to the middle to make myself comfortable.

Last thing I notice is the enormous form of pure muscle next to me.

“Luca? What the hell?” I half scream, not knowing what time it is. I don’t want to wake anyone for them to know we’re in bed together. Again.

“Who’s Luca?” A gruff voice says, and I jump out of my skin. Landing on the floor with a loud thud.

Quickly, I scramble up to flip my light switch and relief washes over me.

Luca is grinning in the middle of my bed with his arms behind his head, watching me make a fool of myself.

“What are you doing here?” I stand with my hands on my hips after fixing my lopsided breasts.

I’m relieved it wasn’t some random guy in my bed. I vaguely remember being propositioned for a ride home outside the bar he took me to. Everything is a blur after that. But I’m still mad Luca is in my bed.

We didn’t have a date, and just because he’s blindly fucked me a couple of times and has been in my bed before, doesn’t make it ok for him to sleep in my bed whenever he wants.

“Is it a regular occurrence for you to wake up next to someone you don’t know?” He doesn’t answer my question.

“No,” I say with my words seething through my clenched teeth.

I’m usually a two-drink maximum kind of girl, unless it’s beer or wine, then I go to four. I like to know exactly who I’m ending up with and where. I remember at least four martinis I sucked down with dinner, but I don’t need to tell him any of this.

My head is aching and pounding, but now I hear the thumping outside my door. I look at it, puzzled about what’s happening.

“While you were out with me, the girls moved tonight’s party to the Delta house,” Luca explains, referring to the noise.

I bang my head against the door, knowing I’m going to be the one cleaning most of that shit up.

“Since you don’t remember that, I’m going to assume you don’t remember coming home to it.” Luca sits up to put his shoes on. “After we drove up, you were upset, downed a few shots, then announced how horny you were.” He looks over, expecting to see some recognition, but last I remember is walking out of O’Halloran’s Pub. Did something happen after that? Besides coming home to this? “To stop the hoard of guys offering themselves up, I picked you up and carried you kicking and screaming to your bed.”

I run my hands over my face. “That bad, huh?”