Since it’s my first time, I’m given a head start. I look across to see Luca all loaded up. He waves and smiles at me, waiting for his turn to move.

Determination rises in me. I can’t wait to pelt him with one of these foam balls. It won’t hurt, but it’ll still be so satisfying to shoot him.

I duck and hide behind a barrier, instantly moving from one to another so he can’t find me. Music is pumping through the speakers, covering the sounds of our movements, and pulsing my heart to beat along with it.

We had the option of playing capture the flag, but Luca declined it by saying he plans to“unload”on me with all his“ammunition.”Yeah, he said that with a wink, gaining a hard scowl and eye roll from me. But right now, my plan is exactly the same. I’m going to pelt him with everything I got.

A buzzer goes off, signaling it's Luca’s time to move and my chance to start firing. I lift and shoot in his direction, but he’s quick and dives behind a barrier. I just missed him.

I move out in a run and squeal as a ball hits me in the ass.

“You were aiming for that!”

“Damn straight, I was!” He calls out his response.

I’m infuriated, and head to where I heard his voice. He comes out, flying across the opening between walls as I shoot and the ball soars right at his ass.

Shit.I wasn’t aiming for that.

“Can’t keep your eyes off my ass either, huh?” He says from behind another barrier.

I roll my eyes with a huff before heading to where I heard him. I shoot, but he’s long gone and I get another nerf ball to the ass.

“Can you please aim somewhere else?” I turn to ask the now empty space.

“Gladly.” Luca pops up and shoots a ball right between my legs.

I groan and run after him, shooting all my ammo out.

“Oh, shit.” Luca mutters, running away from me.

Balls are flying around as I run after him, and he shoots at me behind his back. I get some hits, but I have to hide to refill.

I’m crouching, trying not to be seen and look out for him. He pops out from nowhere and fires at me a fast shooting gun that fires multiple small foam balls at once.

I scream out and run, trying to hide and get away from him. I lose him and get a different gun from my safe zone.

We run and wail all the different balls at each other. I’m laughing and squealing the entire time. I don’t remember the last time I had this much fun.

I’m down to one gun and a small crossbow. There’s only five minutes left on our clock.

I pick up the crossbow and head straight to the middle. Luca pops up from god knows where, and shoots at me. I scream in surprise and point the crossbow, shooting as I jump back. It hits Luca in the crouch and he goes down with a deep groan.

“Shit.” I run up to him. “Are you ok?”

He jumps up and I get a flash of a mischievous grin playing at his lips, before lifting me and dropping us both into the foam ball pit in the center of the room made to look like a fountain. Squealing from shock as I go flying in his arms and thrown down onto the soft blocks.

Trying to catch our breaths from laughing, Luca props himself up, grinning down at me. “Fun, right?”

“Ok, this was fun.” I admit, but feebly roll my eyes at his need for validation.

Luca’s gaze meets mine. Clear blue eyes with green flecks pierce me. His brows lower as he takes me in. All their playfulness is gone as his gaze flicks down the length of my body before coming back up. His tongue darts out to lick his bottom lip, and my eyes dart to the spot as I spontaneously lick my own. My mouth, dry and yearning.

He pulls me down by my hips that our bodies align to get me closer. His nose grazes mine and my eyes flutter closed, sucking in a heavy breath. Waiting for the collision that will be sure to break me.

But a loud buzzer sounds, breaking the moment and snapping my eyes open to see.

“Time’s up.” He groans in my ear and jumps out of the pit, stopping to help me out.