This is not going well.

If these guys don’t pass, not only will I never get another shot at being a tutor, but the entire school will hate me if they lose their letters.

“Can someone other than Finn at least try?”

Alex rolls his head down to rest on the paper in front of him. “The answer to number twenty is D for the Dickhead that fucked Kylie.”

At least he got the answer right.

“Yes, Alex, the answer is D, but we aren’t up to that question yet. Thanks for participating.” I’ve had enough. “This is ridiculous. Finn, stop eating candy. It’s making you anxious and jittery. Aren’t you diabetic?” He nods, because I know he is. “Alex, wake the fuck up. That girl is a fucking idiot. You are the kindest, sweetest, and smartest guy on that team. The first time I met you, all you did was talk about your girlfriend. You never once cheated on her. Even though I’m sure you were tempted to. But if she can’t handle that, then it’s not meant to be. What happens when you go to the pros? It’s going to be twice as bad.” I watch the wheels turning as he registers what I’m saying. “If you’re in love and she’s the one, then get her back. Moping around isn’t going to work. It’s not helping you or your team. You need to be their leader. The entire team is suffering because you are.”

Luca is smirking with his left dimple barely there, waiting for his turn.

“And you.” I stare right into his blue-green, aquamarine eyes. Giving him what he wants. “What do you want from me? I’m looking right at you now. What? Do you think some sort of hidden feelings are going to come soaring out of me once we make eye contact?” He grins, not breaking away as I lean over the table. “All I feel is nauseated, like I want to throw up. I feel nothing but the urge to slap that smirk off your face.”

He leans over to close the gap between us.

“Oh baby, that’s love.” Neither one of us is backing down.

The tension between us is turning the small room to ice and goosebumps run all up and down my arms.

“Do it,” Luca challenges. “Hit me like you want to. Slap my face with all the hate you have for me. I want to feel it. Let it out.”

I really want to do it, but it won’t help anything. Slapping Luca won’t change the sick feeling I get when I see him. It won’t stop my body from feeling aroused by the sight of him. And it won’t change this cosmic force pushing us together.

Something I learned over the years, girls always love the asshole.

I’ve seen it time and time again. Grown women being verbally or physically abused, but still not leaving. Nice guys, like Alex here, getting cheated on and pushed to the side. Human beings are prone to a challenge, loving the chase and believing one day they will change.

That’s what Luca is, the asshole that my body is drawn to.

I chose a long time ago to break that cycle and to not fall victim to it. Except, he hasn’t been much of an asshole lately. I hate him for all the things he’s said to me. I’ve hated him for being the asshole that degraded me and still made me wonder what it would be like. I hate him now for pretending he’s not that guy.

“Your next test is in two days. We’ll meet tomorrow night for another session. I suggest you guys study the rest of the night, but my hour is up.”

Finn groans just as Luca reaches out and grabs my forearm before I can pull away.

“We have a game tomorrow,” he pleads. “At three.”

“Then you should be done by seven. Is eight ok for everyone?”

Alex has been reflectively sitting with his head in his hands. He and Finn nod.

“Yeah, ok.” Luca lets my arm go.

They all look pissed, but I don’t care. They can’t waste my time like that. I only get paid for the hour and they had five minutes left.

As soon as I’m out the door and the cold air hits my face, I breathe in a deep breath and rest my back against the wall.

I’m shaking.

It’s not the cold.

There’s a chill in the air, but I can’t feel it. My entire body is on fire. I’m angry, I’m frustrated, and I hate how Luca gets to me.

I hate his sparkling blue eyes, and his soft hair. I hate his sexy, panty-dropping smirk with his uneven dimples. I hate his strong rough hands and the way they send chills through my body.

They’re not cold chills. They’re hot fiery chills that go straight to my chest and sizzle down to my center.