Maybe I went too far, because now he’ll have this idea that I’m thinking about him. I’m not.

Luca Kingivson is the furthest thing on my mind, next to whether or not I took a shit that day.

“Ok, girls! Ready to run back to our house for another game?” They all stop dancing and line up. “Run back the way we came. First place gets a shot.” I announce.

The winner always gets a shot and these girls welcome it to take away their nerves.

“If you feel so inclined, please flash the guys looking for a show. After all, they are the hunks of this school. You’ll get to know them soon enough.” Penny adds with a giggle. She’s a Biscuit Bunny after my own heart, this girl.

Penny’s a sophomore, and she’s not in it to find love. She looks to have fun. Like me, she goes after the hunky pieces of meat dangling in front of us for a good time. No strings attached.

Most of the girls run past, taking their shirts off as the guys hoot and cheer them on. The shaky one is the soberest and runs past them with her head down. She’s not going to make the cut. She reminds me of Hannah and if we cut her now, I can steer her to the Alpha Sigma Alpha house where she can strive.

Another girl takes slow, long strides in front of them. She’s not that drunk either, and I’m concerned for her over confidence. I was never that bad. She may do better in another house, too.

“How about you ladies? Care to give us a show?” One player calls out. A freshman. I don’t even know his name yet. “Come on Red, I heard all good things.”

I turn to give him a piece of my mind, but Luca is quicker. He picks the kid up by the collar, pinning him to the pillar, and appears to be threatening him. The kid looks nervous, raising his hands to surrender and apologize. We keep walking, but Luca points to us as he puts him down.

The young freshman runs right up to us and gets on his knees in our path. “I’m sorry for my crude comments. Both of you ladies are gorgeous and too beautiful for the likes of me.”

It’s a forced apology, but we both tap him on top of his head and walk past as if we’re the Queens.

He runs back and the laughter from the porch quiets down as the guys all go back into the house. Feeling the sense of eyes on me, I turn to find just Luca hunched over his banister watching me with that same longing look.

He smirks when I look back, showing his imperfect dimples with a deeper indent on his left cheek, before heading back inside.

Damn him.

“Rise and shine pledges,” I shout before taking a bite of my apple. They say an apple gives you more energy than coffee, and I need all the energy I can get after the amount of drinking we did yesterday.

I chug my ice-cold water while Chelsea sprinkles hers on the group of pledges sleeping on our floor. It’s a light sprinkle, but enough to get them to spring up. After the first day's cuts, we're already down a fourth of the group.

“Everyone showered last night?” They all nod while yawning. “Good, now go brush your teeth. We don’t stand for smelly Delta’s,” Chelsea says, throwing her nose up in disgust.

While the pledges scramble to brush their teeth in the sinks available. Me and the other appointed officers in the house separate the rest of the girls' names we have written on small pieces of paper. We still have over twenty girls left, and the first day is the only big cut day. We usually only take in six. This year is going to be tough.

“I say we do something big to narrow it down even more,” Renna says and I nod along, not having any idea of what we could do.

“We have all week to figure it out. Let’s take our time,” Dani suggests next.

They both look to me, but I’m not in any shape to come up with any grand ideas. So far, none of them impress me. Was I that bad when I was a freshman?

Callie comes in with a small bouquet of flowers and places them on the table in front of us.

“What’s this?” Chelsea asks with a disgusted look. “Carnations?” She scoffs at them.

I think they’re pretty, but say nothing. No one has ever sent me flowers and they’re not going to start.

“They’re for Kandi,” Callie says with a grin. “Well, actually, they’re addressed toKandace.”

In a state of shock, I wearily grab the card while Chelsea explains how ugly and untasteful carnations are.

Dearest Kandace,

Please accept these flowers as my first apology. I’m not positive why you hate me, but I’m sure it’s my fault. I’m sorry for all the wrong I did. I will never stop apologizing until you have forgiven me.
