“C’mon babe. You and me–”

“There is no you and me.” I stop him before he can finish whatever he has to say and wiggle away from him, but he stays directly in front of my path. I step right and he steps left along with me. It becomes a stand-off, and I’m not backing down.

“Fine.” Luca leans forward and I lean back to get far away from him without moving my feet.

His blue eyes pierce into me. They’re not just any blue. Their aquamarine. Crystal and clear.

“I hope it’s bad. The worst you’ve ever had. I hope he comes so quickly you’re left with a longing.” It’s a threat he’s spitting out, but I stand as tall as my short legs will allow with my hands set firmly on my hips. I’m not backing down from him. His breath crawls over my skin as he gets closer, looming over me. “A longing for my thick tongue pressing against your swollen clit. I hope you're left yearning for my cock to take you from behind while you scream into your pillow. Whatever he gives you will never be enough, because it won’t be me.”

Luca stomps away, back toward the frat house.

“Good. Then I guess you won’t catch whatever diseases I have!” I call out to him before speed-walking home.

I had to have the last word, but I didn’t mean to say it. It was the first thing that popped into my head. I don’t want him to know the stuff he said about me in the past still bothers me, but I did it. I threw his words back at him. And it still hurts.

My walk turns into a slow jog. I don’t want to keep Braxton waiting, because Luca is wrong. He’s dead wrong. It won’t be anything but spectacular.

I’m cursed. Luca Kingivson has cursed me.

He wasn’t entirely right, but he wasn’t completely wrong, either. Sex with Braxton was… boring. It wasn’t the worst I ever had, but it was pretty close to it.

Something was off. It was awkward and there wasn’t any chemistry between us.

I wasn’t longing or yearning for Luca, but after Braxton left, I pulled my vibrator out to get myself off.

Lying there, I tried to think of anything else, but the feel of my mystery man before I knew it was Luca kept creeping in.

I need to buy more sage.

Chapter 6


Kandi talked about rumors as if I started any.

I don’t do that shit. I may have a slip of the tongue, but anything I say is true. Most of the time, it’s a stupid joke. Never anything hurtful, and never lies.

She called out to me about having diseases? What the fuck was that about?

I remember the first time I saw her. We were partying at the hockey house, celebrating a big win against Boston two years ago. I was a freshman and heard about Kandi from other guys on the team. A puck bunny with a nice ass, red hair, and is known for having a good time.

Nick sent me into the house after I ran my mouth off to his girl. I knew he was trying to get rid of me, but I didn’t care. I heard this girl, Kandi, was there, and I was looking for a sure thing to celebrate my amazing assist.

I asked around, but didn’t see her, so I shouted her name. I was on the hunt and stood on our couch to yell out,“Kandi! Is there a Kandi here? Make yourself known!”

Everyone laughed at my ridiculousness, but it worked.

The crowd opened up for her, and she stood with her one hand on her thick curve. Her red hair laid in soft curls over her shoulder and her eyebrow raised at me. My heart stopped at this beauty before me. Her green eyes broke through to my soul. The energy exuding from her was like a slapshot straight into my heart.

“Who wants to know?” She asked, giving me her confident attitude that I’ve come to love.

I swallowed back the words I had earlier and chickened out. I didn’t even say anything. She took me off guard, and I bolted out of there, clutching at my chest to make sure my heart was still beating.

The rest of the party went on without notice of what happened. She ended up going home with some other guy, and I went to bed with some other chick.

I knew then that she was the one. The one woman that would ruin me. And I stayed far away.

If she came into a room, I left. I made sure to attach myself to any other willing partner so I wouldn’t be tempted; and that temptation was strong.