It’s only warmups, but the excitement of being here starts as soon as I put on that jersey.

I love every bit of playing hockey, but I love being in San Jose even more. San Jose was my hometown. It’s the first hockey arena I’d ever been to. I sat up high, just off center ice, to watch my very first game right in those seats.

Playing for the Quakes is a dream come true.

I look over at my parents' seats, but they’re not there yet. It’s ok. It’s only warmups and I know they won’t miss any second of the game.

It’s been a busy day. Short practice, followed by press interviews they asked for after I played my first game. That took a lot out of me, and then straight to get ready for warmups.

The buzzer sounds, giving us a short break before we come back out for the national anthem. I look up again and they’re still not in their seats. I hope everything is ok. Yesterday, they were in their seats before warmups even started.

When I get to the locker room, I quickly check my phone to see several missed calls from Kandace.

“Everything ok?” Remy asks with a nudge on my arm.

“Yeah, just Kandace called… a lot.” I hide out in my cubby to call her back, but it goes to voicemail, and then the coach comes out for his quick speech.

There’s no time to try to call again. We’re ushered right back out for the national anthem. The crowd cheers as the lights come back on after the Quake’s intro.

The adrenaline is pumping through me, and I can’t help but search the stands while the anthem is sung. She isn’t here, but I look for her every game. I’d search out her bright red hair up in the student seats at Drexton without realizing I was doing it since the first sight of her.

I realize it more now that I know there isn’t a chance I’ll see her.

The crowd cheers as the song comes to an end and I glance at my parents' seats, but they’re still not there.Where the hell are they?

“On behalf of the San Jose Quakes, it is with great honor that I get to welcome the Northern California Hope for a Home,” an announcement over the amplifier continues through the arena as I take my seat on the bench. “This organization helps to find children of all ages their forever home. Bringing families together and filling their hearts with love.” The crowd cheers for the charity as the screen pans to a section of kids with Quakes shirts on. “Proceeds tonight from your tickets and from money spent at the concessions will go to Hope for a Home. Thank you for your contribution to this great cause.”

Kandace would love this. Watching her do all that work for the similar charity in Drexton and counting how much money her sorority raised for them was inspiring. She poured her heart into that project and the light beamed in her eyes when she told me how much they raised.

“My name is Kandace Davenport, and this is a cause I hold near and dear to my heart.”

Wait what?

My heart stops at the mention of her name.It can’t be.I’m hearing things. But I search all over, and look up at the screen to see her. My Kandace. On the Ice, right on the blue line.

My eyes dart to her in front of me, inMYQuakes Jersey. My number and my name are on her back as she addresses the crowd with a small glance in my direction.

How the hell did she pull this off?

My jersey isn’t even available yet. Or at least I didn’t think it was.

“I lost my home and family.” She moves the mic away and takes a deep breath. “But I still had support that many kids I met didn’t have. I was lucky, and these kids deserve all the support and love they can get. Love has been a hard concept for me since then.” She swivels and stares right at me. “I met someone that loved me so fiercely, he never gave up.” She looks up at where the kids are sitting. “Don’t give up. We can’t give up. Everyone deserves to experience that kind of unrelenting love. Home isn’t just a place, it’s a feeling.” She smiles at me and holds up the small rock I left for her in the ring box. “I love you, Luca. You are my family, my home, and I will never stop chasing after you.”

Fuck.My heart just exploded from all the fucking love in here. All the fucking love she’s pouring out and confessing unto me.

Fuck this.

“Thank you for never giving up on me and—”

She keeps talking, but I’m already jumping over the boards and skating to her. In three strides, I pick her up and wrap those legs I’ve missed so much around my waist.

My lips press into hers and I’ve found my joy.



It’s been over a month since we last saw each other in person and I’m nervous.