We have back-to-back games this weekend at home. It’s an unusually busy weekend, but I’m really psyched that my parents are staying to watch both games. It’s been too long since they’ve seen me play.

“That was a great game. I’m so proud of you, son.” Mom squeezes me into a hug when I greet them in the hotel lobby.

I still don’t have my own place yet, but I hope to get an apartment soon as long as I’m going to be playing with the team for a while.

Dad gives me a wide grin to share the same sentiment. I played great. I know it and they know it. There’s no way the Quakes won’t keep me on the roster. No matter what’s going on in my life or in my head, that all gets wiped out once I step foot on that ice.

“Are we going to meet Kandace this weekend?” Mom asks as we settle down at the restaurant for a late dinner. “I can’t wait to meet her.”

“I don’t think so,” I sigh, distracting myself with the menu. I already know what I’m getting. “She’s still in Texas.”

“What’s the matter? Is everything ok with her?” Mom sees right through me.

“Yeah, I just don’t know when she’s coming.” I don’t want to disappoint her. I really don’t want to let my mom down.

“I’m sure we’ll meet her another time,” Dad chimes in, saving me from mom’s questioning, and switches gears back to my game. “Those Bramby twins thought they could get past you, eh?”

“Yeah, they were tough. Reese pummeled into me, but I got him back good.”


“I know he’s here. Can you at least ring his room?” I tap my nails against the concierge desk, getting more irritated at the woman who refuses to help me.

“I’m sorry,miss,” she makes a passive aggressive snide at my age. “But there isn’t anything I can do. The guest you’re looking for isn’t in this hotel.”

“I know he is. I’m his girlfriend. Check it again, Luca Kingivson.” I lean over to watch her type. “K-I-N-G…” she isn’t typing.

“I can’t help you.” She eyes me to back off. “If you’re a friend orgirlfriend, give him a call and have him come down.”

“I’ve tried that, but he isn’t answering.” I let out a loud groan and grab my purse to wait at the bar. He has to come down eventually.

“Kandace?” A woman’s voice in the lobby stops me in my tracks.

I turn to see Luca’s mom, looking radiant in her black slacks and loose green blouse. Much better dressed than my ripped shorts and tee shirt. I grabbed the first flight I could and have been traveling for hours with two layovers. I’m exhausted.

“Hi, Mrs. Kingivson.” I hesitate and stand there, fidgeting with my shirt.

She smiles and comes over, wrapping her arms around me.

“I told you dear, call me Rebecca.” She pulls away to look me over. “It’s so great to finally meet you in person. All I have are pictures Luca has been sending me.”

I had no idea he was sending her pictures of me.

“When Luca said you might not make it, I was so disappointed. Does he know you’re here?”

“No, I can’t reach him, and they won’t even give me his room number.” I scowl at the bitch behind the counter.

“He’s at the arena getting ready, but they have some kind of security to keep his room information secured.” She waves it off.

“Do they have a game today?” I’m so unprepared. I had no idea it was a game day.

“Yes, but not until a bit later. I don’t know if we can get you in. Maybe you can take my ticket.” She reaches for her purse, but I stop her.

I have an idea. It’s crazy, but it just might work to get Luca back, and I don’t need a ticket to get in to see the Quakes. Not when my father is one of the owners.

“Actually, I can get us all in together, but do you think I can use your shower?”
