“No.” I tighten my lips to stop talking, but Hannah has nailed that mom guilt look. Her one eyebrow raises slightly higher than the other and she waits for the truth. “He proposed to me the night of the gala, but I said no.”
I sit to brace myself for the conversation we’re about to have.
“Then why do you have the ring?” She motions to the box clutched tightly on my lap as she sits down next to me.
“He left it on my nightstand before he left.” I hand it over to her. The weight of it is too much for me to hold. “I think it’s why he hasn’t been calling me. I know it’s the reason.”
Before she can ask, I hand over my phone with the latest texts between Luca and I.
“What are you going to do?” She sighs and examines the closed box.
“What can I do? Run out into the middle of the ice in San Jose, flashing a gaudy ring around to prove I love him? Wearing a ring doesn’t prove anything!” I’m crazily waving my hands around to prove a point I don’t even understand. “People have affairs all the time. Married couples fall out of love. Hearts get broken.”
“It's not gaudy.” Hannah breaks into my wall building rambles.
“What?” I look just in time to see her close the box.
“Had to see it for myself.” She shrugs, looking unimpressed. “It’s not about a ring. It’s about you being too afraid to open the box. You’re too scared to love him.”
“I said I love him.”
“Then why are you here?” Hannah stands up, holding the box up and challenging me to take it. “You have no reason to be here but to hide away.”
“I’m with you,” I defend myself, hating that she’s right.
I’m hiding from Luca. Keeping a distance between us because it got too real.
“You’re not happy, and the Kandace I know doesn’t stay somewhere that doesn’t make her happy. She would’ve left days ago.” Hannah holds the box closer between us. “If you’re not scared, then take it. Open it up.”
I stare at it, trying to decide what to do.
“Be vulnerable.” Hannah’s voice softens. “Love is scary and dangerous, but when it’s great, it’s worth the risks.”
In a haste, I take a deep breath and grab the box from her. Tears come to my eyes as I slink back down onto the edge of the bed.
I love Luca, but I’m so scared of what that means.
“I’ve lost the only person that’s ever loved me,” I sob as Hannah comes back to hold me. “I don’t know how to let him in.”
“I love you, and you haven’t lost me.” She squeezes me tighter. “I’m not saying you have to marry him. But when you love someone, don’t let them go. Especially when they love you the way Luca does.”
“He’s nuts,” I laugh.
“He hasn’t given up on you, and you’ve already let him see your crazy side.” She nudges me, and brushes my hair away from my face like a mother’s touch I never thought I needed.
The door opens after a quick knock.
“Sorry.” Holt steps in, cradling Harlyn against his chest, looking like he’s been taking care of babies for years. The perfect dad. “Harlyn is hungry and I don’t have the tits she needs.”
Hannah smiles and takes the whining baby from him. She doesn’t hesitate to open the flap in her shirt and help Harlyn latch on like a pro.
“Want to open the other one for me?” Holt leans over her with a devilish smirk.
“Pig.” I roll my eyes at him, but Hannah shakes her head in stride and kisses him.
“Here.” He pulls out his wallet and flicks a card into my lap. “For the flight.”
Hannah follows him out, winking at me before she goes.