“I’ll come,” I blurt out anything to help him feel better. “I’ll be there.”

“No,” he shakes his head and takes a minute to gather himself. “I’ll be fine tomorrow. We’re heading south for the game and then will be back the next. Today was just a lot.”

“It’ll get easier.”

“That’s what they say.” He swallows down the rest of his tears, trying to be strong, but he’s still breaking in front of me. “Maybe you’re right, Kandace. Maybe I’m just rushing things.”

“What do you mean?” Instinctively, I look at my still packed suitcase.

It’s in there.

“I don’t know. I’m beat.” He forces a smile before saying he has to go to get some rest.

My plan was to at least stay with Hannah until New Year’s, but now I’m not sure what to do.

Me:The house is finally clearing out a bit. Want to have some sexy FaceTime tonight?

Luca:Wish I could, but I’ll be traveling with the team until late. By the time I get back, you’ll be asleep.

Me:I can stay up.

Luca:No, that’s ok. I’ll probably be too tired anyway.

Me:Did you get my video?

Luca:Yes. A warning would’ve been nice. I wasn’t expecting that in the middle of the afternoon.

Me:It was dinner time here. I stayed behind while they went with Hannah’s parents to dinner. I wanted some alone time and took advantage of it.

Luca:Remy heard you moaning through my earphones.


Luca:Oh you know, Remington Barnes? The Quakes number one defenseman. Whose jersey you happened to be wearing while pleasuring yourself.


Me:It smells like you.


Luca:I’m out, having dinner with the guys and their wives and girlfriends.

Luca:I’m playing tomorrow. Tanner twisted his knee and Coach told me to be ready. So, I think I’m playing tomorrow.

Me:That’s great! I’ll be watching!

Luca:My mom and dad are going to fly in, so I hope I do.

Me:If not, they’ll still be proud of you.

Luca:You sound like my mom.

Luca:Being out is making me miss you even more.

Me:Call me later.

Luca:Yeah, maybe.