Sure, there are a few things I would’ve changed. I’ve never heard of a gala serving hotdogs and pizza at concession stands, but we worked with what we had. And the lights above the ice with the delicate fabric and flowers adorning the arena make the place look magical.

It’s perfect.

“Are you raffling off my jersey?” Luca leans over the skate rental counter I’ve been manning for the last twenty minutes.

It appears everyone is good, but I stayed on a little longer in case of any issues. The one thing we couldn’t get was the Skate Rental guy to work the stand. They gave us the skates, but not the attendant.

“Why did you think I asked you to sign it? You have three of them.” I wave him off.

It’s not a great loss and the raffles are selling better than I thought they would.

“We fucked in that jersey,” he states in disbelief that I would get rid of it. Like I said, he has three of them. He had more, but the team took back a couple for display reasons and their own charity giveaway.

“Oh.” Realization of a missed opportunity hit. “Do you think that would increase sales to tell them that?”

“It was special.” He frowns.

I give those pouty lips a delicate kiss and pat his cheek. “We can have sex in every one of your jerseys. Old and new. If you want me to, I’ll rub my pussy all over your hockey pads too.”

His frown lifts to a smirk, showing off those sexy, uneven dimples. “I don’t want the scent of you to make me hard during a game, Love.”

He hasn’t stopped calling me “Love” since the other night, and I kind of love it. It feels even more special than the typical terms of endearment I hear.

“Hey Kandi, sorry to interrupt,” Renna leans over the counter next to us. “We have a situation at the hot dog stand.”

“What’s the problem?”

“We’re out of hot dogs.” She shrugs and looks back at the still long line.


Everyone knows Drexton Hall’s hot dogs are the best. The rest of the arena food is shit. We can’t have students leaving to get better food. We have more prizes to raffle or auction off. It’s way too early to be out of hot dogs.

“Sorry,” I sadly mutter to Luca. He’s been begging me all night to take a break and skate with him.

“Do what you need to do, Madame President. I’ll be waiting.” He winks and heads off to a group of his teammates milling around.

I found more hot dogs in the back. Not nearly as much as we need, but I had several of the girls distract most of the guys on the line by asking them for a spin on the rink. That will buy us more time and hopefully they’ll be having too much fun to leave.

Crisis averted for now, and I can finally take a break after checking on everyone else. We have the entrance covered for any latecomers. Several of my sorority sisters are skating around the floor and walking through the stands selling the raffle tickets. The band is playing great for a bunch of students we took a chance on. Dani vouched for them, but I was skeptical.

Everything seems to be in order.

Now, if I can find Luca to have some fun before the next crisis comes up.

“Kandi,” Braxton says as he snakes his arm around my waist and gives me a kiss on the cheek. “You’re looking gorgeous this lovely evening.”

I laugh at his overly proper greeting, thinking nothing of it. We’re friends. It’s not unusual for him to give me a kiss on the cheek or a hug. We’ve dangerously flirted with each other for years, but nothing has ever come of it.

“You’re looking dapper yourself.” I joke back, noticing his fine black tailored suit and black bow tie.

He has a good foot over me with his skates on and leans down closer, speaking in my ear to be heard over the music. “I know last time wasn’t great, but I’d love to make that up to you.”


His hand slides down towards my ass, but I quickly lift it up and back away.

I completely forgot we hooked up. That night was completely wiped from my mind. And as I look up, I feel Luca’s daggers shooting at us from across the large rink. I feel it before I see him swiftly pulling his skates on. He’s coming for us and it won’t take long for him to get the skates on and make his way across the ice.