“Where’s Finn?” I ask, looking around him for my orange haired little leprechaun.

“Getting a gelato.” Alex rubs his flat stomach. “I ate a whole pint last night.”

Alex is an emotional eater. He’s still having girl troubles. Every day is a different story between them, and he stuffed his face with more than a pint of ice cream to get through it. You’d never know it by how hard the guy works out. Everything he eats is burned into pure muscle.

“Hey, minute man.” I turn to see Callie and Renna walking down the snow lined sidewalk with bags in their hands.

Alex and I immediately start grabbing the bags from them and follow them to their car.

“It was two minutes.” I scoff. Renna won. I couldn’t get it done in one minute. I blame Kandi’s tight pants. But I love those fucking hips that fill them.

“Still impressive,” Renna jokes over her shoulder.

Finn comes running up with his cup of gelato.

“Is this why you told us to meet ya?” He falls in line with us.

“No, this is a detour,” I tell him.

I pass him a few bags as he passes them to Callie to load the car. Callie blushes up at him as she takes them and puts them in her trunk.

“What’s all this anyway?” I ask to give her a good distraction.

Given the look on her face, I’d say she has a crush on our little Irish lad. Not that he’s little. He’s smaller than me frame wise, but taller, like Alex.

“It’s for the Skate Gala,” Renna answers. “Do you guys all have your tickets?”

We all nod.

“Wouldn’t miss it.”

“Maybe you can save a dance for me?” Renna trails her finger down Finn’s chest.

“Let’s go,” Callie interrupts with a honk of her horn. “Thanks for the help, boys!” She calls out as Renna hops in the car.

“What do you think of Callie?” I nudge Finn as I lead them back to the spot I was waiting for them.

“Oh,” he shrugs. “She’s nice.”

I guess he doesn’t think much of her. Oh well, it’s not my place and I’ll be gone in a week.

“Here we are, boys!” I clap in front of the shop I rented out for the day.

“You called us here for jewelry?” Alex looks behind me at the jewelry store next to the tattoo shop I really brought them to.

“Are you buying us rings?” Finn smirks. “I’m more of a watch guy.”

“You’re not buying a ring for Kandi, are you?” Alex questions next.


Actually, that’s not a bad idea. I stop to think about it and look at the jewelry store. I asked her to marry me in a moment we had, but quickly tried to cover it up. I’d love to marry Kandace, but that wasn’t the right time to ask her. I thought she was going to run out in the snow with the way she jumped away from me.

“You are, aren’t you?” Alex's eyes widen as he shakes his head.

“That’s not why I asked you guys here.” I come back to the real reason and point to the tattoo shop to my right. “I’m calling in some debts to a few bets I won over the years.”

Both of them look at me like I’ve gone completely nuts. It’s so fucking great!