Callie swings my bedroom door open with a smirk. “Minute man is calling for you.”

I roll my eyes at her and follow her down. You can guess the reason for the new nickname. Although, it took longer than one minute.

When I open the door, Luca is standing on the porch looking fine enough to eat. His fleece hugs his big arms while his jeans wrap tightly around his thighs.

He’s growing in a light scruff on his chin, and his hair is slicked back from a fresh shower in a tight bun. With a small single curl at the top of his forehead that I want to curl my finger in.

Luca smirks after giving me his own appreciative appraisal and holds out a pink carnation.

“I’m studying,” I say with a pout, taking the flower and bringing it to my nose.

“I’ve given you two days to sleep and study. I figured you need a break, just like I do.” He puts his hands in his pockets and rocks on his heels.

“Sex with you is more than a short break,” I accuse him, knowing all his intentions. I’ve lost hours of studying with him before. “Although, I hear your specialty is orgasms in two minutes.”

“I’m not here for sex.” His lips curl up. “I’m here to ask you out on a date. Dinner.”

My stomach rumbles. I could really use some food.

“You should’ve called or texted me.” I look down at my shorts and baggy tank top.

It’s freezing outside and I haven’t showered. And suddenly I’m feeling nervous butterflies whip through my gut.

“You still haven’t given me your number.”

Oh, shit.I forgot about that. Even when we were hooking up, we’d find each other on campus or at our houses.

“I can wait.” He steps up to the door, leaning against the doorframe over me. “You don’t have to dress up, but it’s a little cold out for what you’re wearing now.” He looks down the length of my body and sucks his lip in.

“Give me an hour.” I reach up to kiss him, but he steps back away from me.

“I’ll be back.”

“Somewhere close!” I shout as he keeps backing off the porch and down the walkway. “And not long!”

I still have a test tomorrow, but he’s right, a break would be good. Especially if it ends with some hot sex to help us get a good night’s sleep.

An hour later, Luca returns with a full bouquet of the same pink carnations.

“Where do you keep getting these?” I laugh as I take them from him and follow him out to his Jeep.

Halfway down the steps, Luca leans down and kisses my temple. “I had an hour to get them, and you look absolutely stunning.”

“Thank you.” I stop to face him and inch up on my toes. “You don’t look so bad yourself.”

He grins, but instead of kissing me, he turns away and keeps walking.

“Why won’t you kiss me?” I ask as he opens his car door and helps me up.

“Kandace, I’m afraid if I kiss you,” he stops to lick his lips, standing in my doorway so we’re face to face. “I’ll drag you back up to your room, strip you down, and not stop until I’m buried deep inside you.” I leer up at him, loving this new idea. “But this is our second official date, and I’m too excited for what I have planned.”

“First,” I say after he rounded around to his side and slipped into his seat. “It’s only our first official date.”

“Actually, it’s our third if you count the blind date.” He nods, agreeing with himself. “Yup, our third.”

“First,” I disagree with him. “Blind date doesn’t count.”

“One,” he holds up his pointer finger. “It was a date. Hence, the name blinddate.We all signed up for adate.Two,” he holds up a second finger. “Nerf war date was definitely a date.”