“We found her on a snow mound several feet from her car.” Luca stares off at the door. “I’m not sure what happened, but it looks like she tried to walk and fell to the side. She’s lucky she was able to stay on the road.”

She’s lucky they found her. Per the last weather update, the snow is slowing now but the storm won’t be over until late tonight. No one thought it would be this bad.

I sniff back to stop myself from crying again. Willa scared the shit out of me. Seeing her cold and pale like that would scare anyone, but not being able to help her frightened me even more.

I’m a leader. The one everyone comes to for help, but at that moment, there wasn’t anything I could do. I had to rely on everyone else that actually knew how to handle the situation.

“I’m sorry. You should be out there with her,” I say, realizing his best friend is hurt, and I’m keeping him from her.

God, I tried to have sex with him while his best friend was in the next room escaping death.

“No. I should be right here.” He takes my hand that was resting between us. “She’s going to be ok, and I need you to be too.”

I put the other half of my pop tart off to the side and cuddled up into Luca, resting my head on his chest and giving him exactly what he needs. He asked to snuggle. I’m giving that to him.

“Tell me what's going on.” He brushes my hair from my face.

He’s making me feel small, like a child. I am small compared to him. His large frame overpowers mine, but it’s the way he’s caring for me that really has me feeling vulnerable all over again.

“Don’t push your luck, Luca,” I say, pushing those feelings back a little bit longer. “I’m snuggling. You said nothing about sharing yet.”

He laughs.

The rumble in his chest and the sound coming out from his throat made me smile. This feels good.

Maybe all I needed was a little snuggle time too.

Chapter 32


I wake up in the dark, feeling disoriented.

It all came rushing back… The phone call… Searching for Willa… Finding her in the snow, muttering to herself about gas and being cold.


Kandace, like I’ve never seen her. Something inside her snapped. She looked lost and frightened. I needed to save her from whatever was going on in her head.

Willa scared the shit out of all of us. Carter assured me he’d seen worse, and she just needed to warm up. Other than her ankle looking as if it were likely broken.

Fuck, what happened to her?

I still have a ton of questions, but the first one is; where is Kandace?

Last I remember was her cuddling on my chest and finally being able to relax. I passed out, and it had to have been a while ago, because it definitely wasn’t this dark when I first laid down.

I lift up and rub the sleep from my face.

The door opened slowly, letting in some light as Kandace tried to quietly slip in.

“Oh.” She jumps when she turns to see me. “I had to pee.” She points her thumb behind her to the door.

She stayed. She’s been in here the entire time while I slept. I’m so sure of it, and the only reason I woke up is because she left. Her absence stirred me awake.

“What time is it?” I ask and reach out for her.

She comes to me, letting me wrap my hands up her thighs and around her soft hips.