Kandi is lying. To me or to herself, either way she’s lying and I’m going to get the truth out.

Chapter 13


Damn Luca, and his alpha male takeover.

I hate how he was right about that guy. It worked for about two days, then he was following me all over the quad again. He tried to walk me home several times, but I’d sneak into a girl’s only dorm and sneak back out the side entrance.

After Luca made the kid wet his pants, I haven’t heard a peep. I hate feeling like I owe him something. I don’t owe Luca anything. I refuse to think that way. It was a noble gesture, and it helped me out, but that’s all it was. If he wants something back, I’ll send him some carnations.

He’s wrong about memasking my feelings. The only feeling I get is a clenching in my groin that’s strictly due to my hormones and lack of decent sex. What is it with the guys this semester? They’re all selfish fish flopping around on dry land, unable to find water. In this case, a g-spot.

I don’t feel anything special for Luca. It’s just a dry spell and my body reacting to male attention. My body has a mind of its own these days. It completely betrayed me.

Yeah, I’m talking to you!I tell my ass in the floor-length mirror across from my bed.

I don’t know if it’s because I’m a senior now, or if the freshmen are extra annoying, but when I come home greeted by our newest Delta’s with their chirping excited squeals, I want to punch their boobs in.

So now, I’m hiding out in my room. The same room that has an unbearable scent of sage that I can’t get out, even when I open the window. According to Callie, I burned too much.

It’s movie night at the Delta Nu house. We try to get together at least once a month to veg out for a girls' night in. I can’t hide here forever. Not only because of the nauseating stench I can’t get out, but because I have a responsibility to show my face for a portion of the night.

One last check at my tank top and shorts for our pajama movie night, and I quickly grab a sweater since I’m not in California. It’s been over two years and I’m still not used to this cold. I crank the heat on my space heater up in my room rather than buy warmer pajamas, because I refuse to give in to the cold. This weather can’t change me.

Twenty-three girls are already lounging across the floor and snacking on popcorn and M&M's. I head to the kitchen first to make sure we’re all set. Penny hands me a bowl just for myself of extra buttery popcorn, topped with rainbow sprinkles. She gets me.

We flip on the horror movie she picked out. Something about a clown and young kids. I’ve never been a horror fan. I prefer comedies. If I wanted to be scared, I’d walk around downtown Las Angeles alone at night.

Everyone quiets with small little side conversations, but you can’t deny that loud suspenseful music. It makes my skin crawl and my hairs stand on end.

A knock at the door on the worst part makes us all jump and scream out for dear life. My heart rapidly beats in my chest as the clown’s evil smile fills the screen and I cover my head with a pillow. I hate these movies.

“Kandi, this just came for you.” Lizzie, one of our new members, hands me a soft, thick envelope with a note and a pink carnation attached.

Penny eyes me, but I have no idea what this is for. Since when do I get letters and gifts?

I have two guesses who this is from, and from the carnation, I’m going with a specific hockey player known for his lack of taste in flowers. I think it’s cute, but I’m just as lost when it comes to that stuff. Luca is the first man that has ever bought me any.

Everyone else continues watching the movie with their full attention on the screen, but I get up to get away from prying eyes. I hate this extra attention.

I open the note and can’t stamp down the small flutter of excitement.

Knock it off!I mentally scold my body. Will it ever connect to my brain again?

Maybe I came on too strong with a full bouquet, but I’m not giving up.

Meet me out back with this on.

-Your not-so-mystery man

I open the envelope to find a blindfold. The same type we wore the first night with another note inside it.

I’m not taking no for an answer. I know you want this just as much as I do.

Damn him and his beautifully sculpted pecs, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about. Luca grew up, physically at least, over the summer. His thick body has filled out enough to swallow me whole like a thick blanket.

A flash of light out the back window catches my eye as I contemplate what to do. If I ignore him, he won’t stop. He’ll keep coming back and knocking on the door until I talk to him. I don’t want to deal with that in front of all my sisters. If I do go outside, I’m giving in and possibly leading him on. I don’t want to do that either. If he thinks I have some deep feelings for him, he’ll just keep coming back.