Scared out of my mind from the sudden disturbance, I answered it.

“Luca?” A girl’s voice I don’t recognize asks after my groggy hello.

“Yeah?” I question and sit up to look out the window.

The storm is bad. Snow is still coming down, and it looks like we got several inches already. It’s heavy with golf ball sized snowflakes falling, and the wind is coming in spurts, howling against my window.

“It’s Jocelyn. Willa’s friend,” she says, as if that means anything to me.

Willa has a lot of friends.

“Ok…” I drag out, feeling confused on why the hell she’s calling me this early in the morning.

“I can’t reach Willa.” Jocelyn’s voice turns into a panic.

“She’s not with me,” I say, looking around my room as if she’d magically appear.

“I know. She went up the mountain.”

“What?” I shout and jump out of bed.

“She left a while ago, before it got bad. Vic’s there with some guys, but a girl posted a video, and she freaked out.” Jocelyn keeps talking while I scramble to get dressed. “I told her not to go, and I kept checking in with her, but then she wasn’t answering.”

“How long ago?” I grab my boots I keep for snow days in my closet, as Alex flicks on his light to see what the hell is going on.

“She left close to one.”

“Jocelyn, how long since you last spoke with her?” I bark out, my own panic turning into frustration and anger.

How could Willa be so stupid?

How could Vic keep doing this to her?

Why would she risk her life for that asshole?

“About two hours ago. She got lost, and then we got disconnected.” A sob comes out and Jocelyn starts crying. “Vic said she never got there and hung up on me.”

That fucking asshole.

“I’ll find her.”

I hang up and quickly mutter what I’m doing. I have no idea what I’m doing, but I have to find her.

“You can’t go out there!” Alex yells after me.

Carter snaps up from the couch, scaring us both as we come off the landing at the bottom of the stairs.

“What are you doing out here?” Alex asks.

“I fell asleep, playing Call of Duty.” He rubs his eyes as he gets to his feet.

“Whatever. Can I use your car?”

This is perfect. I’m glad he’s up. My Jeep has a soft top, not great for this snow, but Carter’s truck is built better for the storm and terrain.

“Uh… no.” Carter looks at me like I’m crazy.

“Willa is stuck somewhere up the mountain. I need to find her before she gets hurt.” If she’s not hurt already.