I have to walk around campus with my hat over my eyes and a sweatshirt on at all times.
Even in my disguise I still have to walk with crowds.
Lenny’s article was good. Too good.
So good that I texted her right after I read it gushing over how amazing she was. But it caught the attention of the entire student body. Especially the female population.
The first couple of days after it came out I couldn’t walk two steps without a girl clinging to me and slipping me her number.
Yeah, I know, not the biggest problem to have, but I don’t want the attention. I have to keep my focus on hockey and passing my classes. I’m the idiot that waited until my junior year to register for the harder classes that I avoided the first two years. Yeah, I’m that guy.
Maybe I thought I could skate through college with my talent alone.
That was a big mistake. I promised my dad I’d get my degree.
Next semester will mean playoffs and championship games, god willing. So, this semester means harder classes. Or so my advisor suggested.
Either that or summer classes. Which I stupidly turned down the last two summers, not wanting to mess with my summer break.
Now I’m kicking myself in the ass as I get assignments thrown at me from multiple angles.
Fuck me.
“Hi Nick!” A girl plops down next to me.
I thought my stealthy ways were better than this. Maybe if I wore sunglasses or a hood over my hat? I nod with a small smile and shift further from her. She looks familiar, but I can’t place her.
“I almost didn’t recognize you.” She leans over and lowers her voice. “Are you incognito after Lenny’s article?”
She snorts out a small laugh and pulls out a pair of large rimless glasses from her bag.
I know her. She’s Lenny’s friend. Ah fuck, what’s her name?
There it is on her notebook. Bridget!
I didn’t recognize her without her glasses.
Is she going to hit on me? No. She’s Lenny’s best friend if I remember correctly.
“Why are you in this class?” She asks, getting out her laptop. “Don’t athletes take the easy classes when they get closer to graduating?”
“Yeah well, I kind of went backwards,” I admit.
Political science seemed like a good idea when I registered. After a couple of weeks, it turned out not to be the best plan. But here I am every Monday and Wednesday and this is the first time Bridget has sat next to me or acknowledged my presence.
To be fair I didn’t even know she was in this class.
“Hmm. Not smart.” She says with a tilt of her head.
Wow.Does she have no filter?
“I haven’t seen you by the Sigma house since Monday morning. Avoiding Lenny?” She slyly asks without looking in my direction.
“No! Did she say that?” I snap at her.
Technically I’ve been avoiding everyone besides my team, but I haven’t specifically been avoiding Lenny. I wouldn’t do that. I don’t think I can do that. I think about her every fucking day. I wasn’t lying when I said I couldn’t get enough of her. I need to focus.