“I didn’t say that!” I would never say he played like shit.

“Uh, you implied it. It sounds like, I’d be playing better if I got laid more.” His eyes are accusing, but I definitely didn’t say he was playing like shit.

“I joked about Luca’s interview!” I point out. “That’s the only thing I joked about.”

He looks up and runs his hands frustratingly through his hair. I want to reach out and fix the strands that are now out of place. Instead, I put my hands on my hips defensively. Gripping them tight, holding back.

The more I think about it, the more I realize how well I portrayed him in my article based on his interview with me. There’s only that one dig in it, because of the interview Luca gave Marie. It was funny and it’s a damn good article.

“Did you even read the entire thing? Or just the blurb about your sex life?” I ask, accusingly.

“The blurb was enough!” He whisper-shouts between his gritted teeth. “Do you realize what’s going to happen now?”

I can only focus on the first part of what he said.“The blurb was enough?”

Wow, fuck him. I worked so hard on that. We’re friends. He should care more. I care about how he plays.

The hurt must be written all over my face. Nick’s eyes immediately soften as he backtracks.

“Lenny, I didn’t mean that. I will read it.” He tries explaining himself. “It’s just that one sentence is going to give me shit. I already get girls throwing themselves at me. It’s going to be ten times as bad now.”

Wow.I do not feel bad for him at all.

Boo hoo poor Nick. How will he ever survive female attention?

“Wow, what problems to have. Girls trying to get into your bed.” I bring my hands to my face to add to my sarcasm. “How will you survive?”

I gasp in horror.

“You’re welcome.” I deadpan and turn to the door to leave, but Nick stops it from opening.

Done. I’m done with whatever this is.

I can’t erase my article and I wouldn’t want to even if I could. He should be thanking me for the extra attention he’ll get.

Nick holds the door and pushes it closed before I can walk out.

“I don’t want the Puck Bunnies. Do you think I want that?” He closes the gap between us and places his hand on my hip.

My entire body heats up from his single touch.

I can’t look at his face. I won’t be able to control myself.

I keep my gaze on his chest. His thick pecs rise and fall with his breath. With a mind of its own, my hand slides up from the middle of his chest to his shoulder.

“I don’t know what you want,” I say it so low, I’m not even sure he hears me.

Did I even say it out loud?

“What do you want?” He asks with his mouth now inches from my ear.

I don't know how we got here, but our bodies are now pressed together.

I gasp as he nibbles on my ear, the sting mixes with his hot breath and has me clenching my legs together. Nick breaks them apart with his thick hard muscular thigh.

“I can’t get enough of you.” He whispers before trailing his lips against my neck from behind my ear to the base of my collarbone.

“That isn’t good for our friendship.” I breathe out.