I don’t see how scaring her with a spider is grounds for placing a tantalizing Nick Miller on my bed to see me naked just out of a shower without any warning.

He didn’t even pretend to turn around like it was no big deal.

Seen one, seen them all.

Then the way he talked about the game.

It was like reciting poetry. His words flowed out and I could feel his love for the game flowing right into me.

I had no intention of sleeping with him again. When he said just friends, at first I thought it was no big deal. Then I really thought about it.

I thought about it all week.

I don’t want to be one of those girls. I don’t want to be one of Nick Miller’s many girls he parades around campus with.

But here I am sealing my fate.

Laid out together breathless, I can’t stop staring at his lips and his alluring scruffy jaw. He hasn’t shaved today. His jawline is just begging for my lips to brush against it.

Nope, not going there.

To distract myself I jump right back into my article and ask him for his interview. If I’m going to help with this article then I’m going to make it good. This could be my shot to show everyone, I should be the one writing about the hockey games.

I ask Nick about his inspiration this season and he pulls at my heartstrings with his response.

His inspiration is always his granddad. “He always taught me to strive and put all your effort into everything you do. If you do that, you’ll never wonder what if. You’ll never look back and say I could’ve done better.” He wants to make his grandfather proud.

He talks about his grandfather with so much love and adoration.

It’s adorable, cute, and sexy. All Nick.

It feels intimate when he talks as if he’s revealing a part of himself to me that he’s never shared with anyone before.

It doesn’t help we’re both still naked when he’s saying all this. It’s the only way he’d answer any of my questions.

“Don’t you dare put a shirt on Lenny, otherwise my lips are sealed”


Nick’s luscious gorgeous lips that he licks, begging to be touched.

They’re very distracting, but I find a way to focus on my article. And after I’m satisfied with his answers, I attack him.

Hearing him talk while he sat there like some kind of Russian hockey god, set my body on fire.

I jump from my chair onto his lap, straddling him and lose all my restraint in not kissing him. My lips press firmly against his. Our bodies press tightly together. I feel him harden against the inside of my thigh.

“Does this mean the interview is over?” He pulls back and wraps his strong arms around me, pulling me in tighter against his chest.

“Yeah, I think I have enough.” I nod brushing my lips against his, not wanting to stop now that I’ve gotten a taste of them.

He kisses me back, parting my lips with his and finding my tongue.

Breaking apart, he leans back to look down at our connection. Our bodies mold together with nothing between us. Licking his lips, his eyes roam back up, before going to suck on the same breast that was still pink and raw from earlier.

I hiss from the sting and pull on my sore nipple.

“Come on Lenny.” He looks up and grabs my ass with both hands. “Show me what you can really do.”