There’s something about taking full control over another person’s body.

The feeling didn’t last long. There’s just something missing.

A few times I caught myself imagining Lenny’s face or her ass when I closed my eyes. Not that that stopped me. In a way, it almost made it better.

Lenny has gotten under my skin. Hopefully, having her as a fuck buddy will alleviate that.

She didn’t say no to it, which is a good sign. She actually seemed intrigued by the idea.

The next day after our game, Greg, Luca, and I are sitting around our fire pit we built in the back of the house.

It’s just some stones laid out in a circle around some firewood, but it works.

The fall nights are getting colder and the heat from the pit makes the backyard still comfortable to hang out in.

“So, I found out, that girl Lenny is —” I start to tell them.

“Wait, wait, wait. Let us guess.” Greg cuts me off. “A man.”

“What? Fuck no.” I throw a marshmallow at him.

“Alright, that was a joke. But I’d say—” He thinks for a minute.

“She’s a journalist and writes for the Drexton Hall Sports Newsletter,” Luca announces as if it’s obvious.

“How’d you know that?” I question him.

How could he know all that? Am I the only one who didn’t know?

Is she fucking him too? Ok, that’s a bit extreme, but it doesn’t stop my blood from starting to boil over at the thought of Luca or anyone else’s hands on her.

“What? Really? No! You slept with the enemy!” Greg looks at me with his mouth open in shock.

At least he didn’t know either. That makes me feel a bit better, but I still feel stupid for not knowing. I don’t believe Lenny is the actual enemy.

“Did she write something about Nick?” Greg asks, turning to Luca.

That would be the ultimate gut punch.

“No!” Me and Luca say in unison.

That’s good, he agrees, because after she ran out of my car last night I wasn’t entirely sure.

Luca gets up and runs into the house, he returns a few seconds later with the small school newsletter in his hand.

It’s the size of a small magazine that contains short articles about the various sports on campus.

“I saw this and had to get a copy.” Luca turns to a page with a large picture of a woman’s ass up in the air over the rink. It was about the Ice Dance team, and the article was written by Lenny Briggs.

“I thought Lenny was a guy until you just said that,” Luca tells me, while I read the article.

She took my literal advice of“showing their asses up.”

The article is hilarious. Luca definitely got it just for the picture of the poor girl’s ass in the air, but what she wrote is so good.

It’s horrible but honest. Not very appropriate for the school paper, but very suggestive and funny.

“Shit.” Greg reads it over my shoulder. “The Ice Dance team has created an appealing market for butt pads as each dancer iced their bottoms from the exorbitant amount of falls?”