I sound like a stalker.
I just notice these things. Hockey is my life. I can’t play for shit, but I still love the game. Hockey is all this school ever talks about. It’s the biggest hockey school in the northeast. It has one of the largest overall athletic programs in the country.
Not that I’m an athlete. But it also has one of the best sports journalism programs in the northeast. It’s the closest one to home for me that is centered mostly on hockey.
Avoiding having to face Nick again, I wait until he is out the door to come out from my hiding spot. I also want to get out before Jerrick can yell at me, or worse, fire me. I don’t even know if he can truly fire me. That might be above his pay grade.
“Here, someone left these behind. Goodnight.” I plop the keys on the counter and try to leave as fast as I can.
“They’re Nick’s. Go take them out to him,” Jerrick orders with a glance at the keys.
I stopped mid-stride to the door. “Um, why can’t you? You seem all buddy buddy with him.” Not even I believe the words that just stumbled out of my mouth.
What am I thinking? I’ve never talked back to any of my bosses before.
“Because Lenny, I am finishing this up, and you are heading out the door. Is there a problem?” Jerrick eyes me, daring me to defy him.
That would make Jerrick’s day to fire me.
It may be the end of the semester, but I need this job lined up for next fall.
Did Nick tell him I walked into the locker room while he was completely naked?
There isn’t any indication he knows.
I quickly shake my head and grab the keys before walking out the door. At least he isn’t firing me on the spot. And I don’t want to give him any other reasons to.
I can do this.
Just hand him his keys and walk away. No big deal.
I spot Nick at his car fumbling through his bag. He tilts his head back with an aggregated groan.
I jog up behind him. “Hey, you left these.”
“Thank god!” He sighs in relief. “I thought I was going to have to go back in there.”
He takes the keys from me while shaking his head.
“You’re welcome,” I mutter awkwardly even though he hasn’t exactly thanked me.
Why am I so awkward?
Did I not mention that Nick Miller is the starting star goalie of our school's hockey team, The Drexton Hall Huskies? By far the best goalie in the NCAA? Oh, and I am a huge fan with a dream to be a sports journalist specializing in hockey.
Yup, a big nerd who got a job at the gym with my college roommate, the Queen gymnast herself. I work at the gym for a free membership so I can take yoga classes and still be able to study. The meditation helps my anxiety and awkward nervousness. It doesn’t help with the nervousness of talking to the best college hockey goaltender in the country. The one that’s already being looked at as a number one pick and starter for most of the NHL teams. And probably will be the best in the league, well on his way to becoming a legend. Yup, I am talking to a legend in the making. There’s no way I can be cool about this.
It’s the reason why I watch from afar taking mental notes to help with my future articles and stories. Not a stalker.
I turn to walk away. The gym is also very close to my dorm room. It’s the most convenient job right off campus. The best place to work when you don’t have a car.
“Hey, are you hungry?” Nick calls out.
I turn back and look around expecting someone else to be here.
He couldn’t have been talking to me. Right?