The way Lenny ran down the street to get away from me, you’d think I was about to murder her for taking my shirt.
I was in such a panic this morning looking for it. I thought one of the guys was messing with me. I keep it folded on the bench at the end of my bed throughout the preseason games.
I accused everyone of taking it until Greg reminded me that Lenny left my room with a white crumpled shirt in her hand.
Her shirt.
So, then what was she wearing if her shirt was in her hand?
My fucking shirt.
We both watched her scrambling around in the dark gathering her things then watched her sneakily leave. It was dark except for the light from my phone. I couldn’t tell what she put on, otherwise, I would’ve stopped her.
I have a ton of those shirts in my drawer. At least one from every season, but that one specific shirt is the first one given to me. I would’ve exchanged any of them for that one.
I didn’t mean to scare her off.
Girls try to take my shit all the time. Hats, random shirts I’m wearing, my belt, and my tie, one girl tried to take my jersey. I need that shit.
The weirdest one tried to take my socks.
What the fuck do they want with my dirty socks?
It was the first time I forgot to put my shirt in the drawer. I really didn’t think Lenny was one of those girls. I still don’t. She did have a good reason and she gave it back unharmed.
“What happened to Lena?” Greg asks when I get back in. “She didn’t want pizza?”
“It’s Lenny. And no I don’t think so. She just ran off.” I’m still really confused with the whole exchange.
To be honest, I was thinking we could go back up to my room, give it another go, and I’d give her a different shirt. Apparently, she had other plans.
Greg nods in disappointment. “Damn, I wanted to ask her about her friend, Layla.” He stuffed his face with another slice.
“Aw does Mr. No Distractions have a special love interest?” Luca coos with a mouth full of pizza.
“No. No distractions. I got my shirt back!” I announce, holding it close to my chest.
I’m never letting this baby go again.
Lenny’s not a distraction. She’s just some good clean fun.
“Speaking of no distractions, Cora is texting you.” Greg holds up my phone before tossing it over to me.
“Do you sense that, Luca?” Greg wafts the air in front of him. “It’s the air of a love triangle brewing.”
“Hmm,” Luca adds as they both look up rubbing their chins with their thumb and forefinger. “I’m getting a whiff of two fine ass girls and one sad delusional sexy dreamboat.”
I raise an eyebrow at their ridiculousness but ignore it.
I’m happy to share a room with Greg. I’m pretty sure if I shared a room with Luca, I’d wake up with him spooning me every morning. He’s constantly saying shit about me being sexy or a “dreamboat” while also constantly trying to touch me.
They both look over my shoulder as I read the text. I shove them back to get some space.
These two are constantly up my ass. They’re my best friends, but come on. Give a guy some room.
Cora:My place or yours?