“Nick is with his sisters at the winter festival down the road. At least take a seat and warm up. I’ll be right back.” She flips a switch to turn on heaters that light up around the porch.

I sit on the chair closest to the door with my back to the house. The heater above me is already warming me up as I slip my backpack down on the floor next to me. It has just enough in it for two days, but if I can I’m going to head straight to the airport and go home on the first flight out. This was such a bad idea.

Nick’s mom comes back quickly sans apron with a thick sweater wrapped around her and two hot mugs of what smells like hot chocolate.

“I hope you're twenty-one.” She says as I take a sip. “I slipped some bourbon in there.”

I nearly choke as I taste the bourbon hitting the back of my throat.

Nodding at her I sputter on my words. “Ye-yes. I’m twenty-one.”

“So, tell me Lenny, what brings you here?” She takes a sip of her own hot chocolate. “Mmm, that’s good.”

I let out a deep breath and sag into the chair. “I just thought if I brought him the story in person, he’d know that I didn’t betray his trust. I thought— I don’t know.”

“You want him to know how much you love him.” She nods, saying everything I can’t figure out.

“Yes.” I groan out my frustration. “I’m so stupid. I swear I’m not normally a stalker.”

“Hmm. I wouldn’t call you a stalker.” She glances at me from the side. “As long as he loves you too, I don’t think a grand gesture could be considered stalking.”

“Well, that’s questionable right now.” I take a long sip of my bourbon filled hot chocolate. It is really good, and much needed to calm my nerves.

“Why would you say that?”

I come right out with it. She’s going to kick me off her porch seeing me for the insane girl that I am, but there’s something about her that’s making me want to open up. Plus, I have literally lost every sense that I had left. “He broke up with me.”

“What?” She gasps. “After everything he said about you? When did he do that?”

“He made it pretty clear before we left school, but earlier I got a voicemail.” I go take out my phone, but there’s a large crash from inside the house.

“That’s not right. I just spoke with him earlier.” She shakes her head. “Hold on, Lenny. Stay here for a minute.”

My nerves are rattling as my hands start shaking and I feel a shiver up my spine.

It’s like I can sense how close Nick is.

“Dad? What are you doing back already?” Nick’s mom calls out as she goes back in the house.

“Tell that damn son of yours to learn to drive!” An older man with a deep Russian accent yells back.

“Me? I’m not the one that almost crashed us into the tree!” Nick’s voice carries out the door and I immediately jump out of my seat.

The mug I was holding crashed to the floor.

“Shit!” I whisper and try my best to clean up my mess. The mug isn’t broken which is good, but I got some of the hot chocolate on the carpet that lines the porch.

It’s ok. I’m leaving anyway.

This was a mistake. A bighugemistake.

What was I thinking?

Showing up unannounced at his family home? Having hot cocoa with his mom? I have some serious issues.

Bridget and Alex were right. I have gone completely insane.

Tossing my backpack on, I head straight for the screen door to make my exit.