I have no idea how to make this right. It’s not even my fault, but I just need him to know.

“Well, you like to write. Be old fashioned. Write him a letter.” Mom takes my hand across the table and gives it an encouraging rub. “Sometimes men are stubborn, and women have to show them the way. Come, mi vida, let’s try to have some fun.”

I’m thrown into mingling with our guests for the rest of the night as a welcomed distraction. But by the end of the day, I feel exhausted from the weight of my crying and bloated from all the food. Once I lay my head down on my pillow, I can’t sleep.

I should be passed out, but an idea sparks in my head and I spend the entire night writing.

I write everything I want to say. I don’t stop until I pass out on top of the keyboard.

“Wake up!” Alex kicks my chair, startling me awake.

“What time is it?” I jump up and rub my pounding eyes.

“Noon. You kept me up all night with your loud ass typing.” Alex groans and throws himself on my bed. “Mom said you have to eat something.”

“I need to pack.” I tell him and start scrambling to get some clothes into my overnight bag.

“Uh Lenny. It’s the day after Christmas. You're stuck here for at least three weeks.”

I ignore him and hit print on my paper I just wrote. I stayed up all night writing and editing. Then I booked my flight and there’s just one more thing I have to do.

“I’ll be back in a day or so.”I think.

I have no idea what I’m doing. I just know I have to do something. I found a one-way flight to Minnesota and booked it without giving it a second thought.

“Where are you going?” Alex jumps up and blocks my way to the bathroom.

“Minnesota. I’ll be back.” I push my way past him, but he’s hot on my heels.

“Lenny, have you gone completely insane? You’re going to chase after him after what he did to you?”

I stop dead in my tracks and turn to face him. I haven’t told Alex anything. He doesn’t know what happened.

“He didn’t do anything. Except break up with me. I think.” I’m not even sure what happened. I just know he hasn’t called. I think that means we’re broken up. “He thinks I did something. Something horrible. But I didn’t and I just need him to know it wasn’t me.”

Alex’s face morphs into confusion as he looks down at me.

I can’t give him details, because that would mean betraying Nick. I can’t do that. I’d never break that trust he has in me. I made a promise and I’d never break that.

“Look, I can’t say what it is exactly, but just trust me. I’m not chasing after him. I’m just getting his ok to publish that.” I point to my room at the paper that has some details about his injury, our relationship, and what happened the other night during and after the game.

It’s not completely about us, but it has a lot about the antics of the two editors of our paper, and the means in which they get their stories. It’s also about the pressure the athletes face to be perfect.

I sent a copy to professor Wright just so he’s not blindsided this time, but I don’t need his approval. It’s not going in the Drexton Hall Newsletter. It’s being posted on my personal school page. As long as Nick approves of it.

I don’t necessarily need his approval either, but I want it.

Alex groans, but he knows my mind is made up.

“Do you need me to go with you?” He relents, offering his support.

“No. I can do this.” At least, I hope I can.

I hope this is the right thing to do. I feel completely insane, but at the same time my gut is telling me to do it.

I have no idea if Nick is going to even want to see me, but at least I can drop it off. I could mail it or email it, but Alex is right. I am chasing after him.

I don’t want to let him go.