The Hockey House is completely empty and now I’m stuck in my own head trying to figure out if or how I can get Lenny back. If that’s really what I want.

I don’t know what I want anymore.

I wanted to play hockey. That’s all I ever wanted.

I never wanted to fall in love, but now that I have I don’t want to be without it. I don’t want to be without her.

I just need some time to think.

My parents' house is in utter chaos.

My two sisters are home with all my nieces and nephews plus my brother-in-law. That doesn’t include a surprise visit from my granddad and my aunt from Russia.

It’s a full house as it should be for the holiday, but it doesn’t give me any time to think.

My oldest sister is married with two girls, seven and five, and a three-year-old boy. My other sister, the middle one between us, was knocked up with her son who turns one next month. The father is nowhere in sight. Completely left her and she never told us his name.

All the kids have been keeping me busy since the moment I walked through the door. Right now, I've been roped into playing Pretty Pretty Princess with my nieces and my almost one year old nephew who doesn’t have a say in the matter, but somehow is beating me at the game.

“Wait a second, how come you don’t have to put a piece of jewelry back?” I eye my seven-year-old niece, Angelica. “I landed on that same space and I had to put my earring back.”

This is what my life has come to. Arguing the rules of a Princess game with a seven-year-old.

She shrugs. “Because I don’t want to.”

“I think she’s cheating.” I whisper to Lily. The little five-year-old laughs at me with her earrings clipped to her eyebrows.

“I dunno.” She shrugs. It’s her new phrase for everything.

“Oh Lily, you have to wear your bracelet on your wrist not your ankle.” Angelica scolds her little sister.

“I dunno.” Lily shrugs at her sister.

“Who wants cookies?” My mom calls out from the kitchen.

Both girls’ eyes light up as they squeal and run off, abandoning the game.

With a heavy sigh, I lift myself off the floor and plop onto the couch next to my sister, Catherina, who is bouncing the baby on her knee.

“Say cheese!” She says, while taking a picture of me in full Princess garb. “Aw! I’m sending this to you so you can send it to all your little girlfriends at school.”

I wince feeling the weight of her statement push down on my chest. There’s only one girlfriend, and right now I have no idea where we stand. I have to apologize for the way I acted, but I don’t know how to do that over the phone. And who knows if she’ll even forgive me.

One thing became clear watching my sisters with their kids and watching my brother-in-law and my dad with their wives, I miss her.

I’m such an idiot for not believing her right away. I should have never questioned our time together and the love we have. I’m such a moron for thinking for one second she would betray me like that.

“Oh my god! Is there a girl?” Cat shrieks.

“What? No!” I lie, not wanting to admit anything to my sister. Once she knows, everyone will know.

“There is!” She sits up to inspect me further. “Yup! You’re blushing. Is that why you’ve been moping around all day?”

“Oh, there’s definitely a girl.” My other sister, Janika, comes out of nowhere and starts cleaning up the mess her daughters and I made. “So, what happened? Did you screw up and break her heart?”

“Nothing happened.” I groan out a long sigh. No one is going to leave this alone. “Just stop. There’s no girl.”

“What girl?” Mom comes in with a small plate of freshly baked cookies.