Fuck.I thought I was better at hiding it. Who else knows?
“It’s nothing. I sprained it, and the rain is making it ache. It’s fine.” I assure him, giving him the half-truth.
“Fine.” Greg climbs into bed. “Now, fix things with Lenny before you fucking lose it. They just left a little while ago.”
After tossing and turning for an hour thinking about what Greg said, I know I have to talk to Lenny.
I’m outside staring up at her dark house.
Of course, no one is up. It’s close to midnight on a Sunday. These girls wouldn’t be up partying on a school night.
If I knock, I’ll wake the whole house up.
I check the door, but it’s locked. Looking around, I spot the obvious place to hide a key. A fake garden rock. My mom used to use the same at our house.It’s too obvious and they really need to update that, but lucky for me, there’s a key in there.
I hesitate for a second.
What the fuck am I doing?
I’m about to break into the Alpha Sigma Alpha house.
I’m about to break in uninvited to tell a girl that’s been pretty clear we can’t be more than friends, that I’m completely falling for her and to fuck our friend’s agreement.
Am I really about to break in just to ask Lenny to officially be my girlfriend?
I think about waiting until we come back next week, but that’s not an option. Call or text her? Nope.
Yup, I’m breaking in.
I quietly open the door and walk the steps. Good thing, Lenny’s room is the first at the top of the stairs.
This is insane, but it’s too late to back out now.
I knock softly and wait. Nothing.
I knock again, hearing someone moving on the couch downstairs. Probably Alex. I noticed a heap of blankets down there.
My heart is already pounding from sneaking in and now I may wake up her brother if she doesn’t wake up first.
Fuck this.
I try the knob and it’s unlocked. It’s dark. The clouds are covering the moon outside and the shade is down on the window making it extra dark in here.
I quietly close the door behind me and tip toe to her bed.
This is the worst idea I’ve ever had.
What if she screams? Eh, it’s me.
She’ll get over it. Her house is probably used to her screams by now anyway.
Creeping up to her bed, because I’m officially a creep, I sit down next to her and rub her arm under the mass of blankets.
I realize a few things after the person under the blankets jumps. One, I should have used my phone as a flashlight. Two, I should have stood back and not sat on the bed to wake her. And three, this person is way too big to be Lenny.
“What the fuck?” I hear before I’m being thrown off the bed.