I really hope he’s serious about that. I really don’t want to get Alex’s hopes up.
Luca’s the next one to come over.
“Luca Kingivson.” He gives Alex a bump. “Don’t worry, Nick’s taking good care of your sister.” I snap my gaze at him. “Made all of us swear not to fuck with her. I’m not even allowed to look at her!”
He’s avoiding my eye contact for a very different reason. If he did look at me, he’d see the daggers aimed right at him, ready to stab.
He skates off.
Alex is about to ask what he means by that, but one by one the rest of the team comes over and introduces themselves. Not quite the entire team, but most of them.
The rest keep their introductions short, and give their luck to Alex.
Nick gives me a wink before the team heads back to the locker room. They’ll likely get a speech from the coach and then both teams will get announced back out.
“How do I get a precession like that?” Bridget asks as we get back to our seats.
Layla hands me a beer and a hot dog for Alex.
Alex groans at the coke he gets handed and I slap his arm. There’s no way I’m letting him drink this weekend.
“So, are you and Nick dating? What’s going on there?” Alex asks.
I nearly choke on my beer and both Bridget and Layla fall silent.
“Nothing! We’re just friends.” I croak out.
Alex rolls his eyes at me.
“I heard he’s a manwhore.” He says.
I slap his arm again. He’s going to go home with bruises if he keeps this shit up.
“Alex! You’re my little brother and shouldn’t be talking like that to me.” I reprimand him. “Besides, Nick Miller isn’t a manwhore. That’s all rumors.”
“Yeah whatever. I’m almost eighteen. I’m not an idiot.” He says with another roll of his eyes.
I’m happy the music starts up again and the players are announced so I don’t have to have this conversation with Alex.
How do I tell him, oh yeah, me and Nick used to be fuck buddies or as we called it, benefits with a side of friendship? So, we weren’t quite friends, but we decided to just be friends like a week ago.
Yeah, I’m not telling him any of that.
I immerse myself in the game and take notes on the plays.
Boston has been tough for them. Neither team has scored yet.
Nick has made some amazing saves and each time my heart stops before he blocks or catches the puck.
Every time a play is stopped Nick taps the players around him, encouraging them. Holt does the same at the bench. They’re the perfect captain and alternate captain combo.
It’s something I never noticed before from the high seats.
The way Luca protects Nick is like he’s taking bullets for him. He jumps right in front of the puck without any hesitation.
Layla and Bridget are even into the game. Only leaving for more beer and quick bathroom breaks.
I reach down for my beer when the play stops but it’s not there. I look down and around and notice it’s in Alex’s hand.